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After years of virtue signaling and fake outrage about the treatment of migrant children under the Trump administration, the press is now demonstrating that they never cared about them in the first place.
It turns out that at least one detention center in El Paso, TX is subjecting migrant children to conditions that are worse than being in prison. As of this writing, only two media outlets have bothered to give the issue any real attention.
BBC News reported that the children being kept at Fort Bliss are languishing in substandard living conditions. They are dealing with disease, unsafe food, and even sexual abuse.
Gov. Abbott should (a) mobilize the Texas National Guard, who are under his exclusive, lawful authority; (b) authorize the Texas State Police and Texas Rangers to recruit and augment as necessary their forces, including the employment of qualified volunteer auxiliary deputies; (c) encourage all Sheriffs throughout the State to do likewise; (d) secure from the legislature the requisite funding/reimbursement; and (e) establish a nimble command structure to lead, manage, administer, organize, and deploy these forces as may be required to STOP the illegal invasion, drug trafficking, slave trafficking, and other smuggling into and across Texas.
Texans would rally to such a “long roll of the drums” in amazing numbers.
Properly led, they would END this assault on their state that is being aided and abetted by a lawless regime in Washington, DC. //
Furthermore, Arizona could do the same, as could New Mexico and California – though, admittedly, the latter two suffer poor leadership and probably would not engage.
However, the additional State forces deployed in Texas and Arizona would enable the federal US Customs and Border protection forces to shift assets from Texas and Arizona to California and New Mexico.
In addition to all of the above, Texas and Arizona could invite other States to send volunteers … as in 1836 … and as Florida Governor DeSantis is now offering. And invite other individual Americans to come to their aid, e.g., those vetted as law-abiding citizens in good standing, and who are law enforcement and/or military veterans.
“My [county] judges are asking for one thing in particular,” Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) told Newsmax. “I sit in front of them and I go, ‘If I can do one thing for you, what would that be?’ And this is the ask I’m getting. They go, ‘Tony, we need more body bags.’ And I’m going, ‘Body bags? Why do you need body bags?’ They go, ‘Migrants are dying at record numbers, and we don’t have body bags to handle the situation.’ //
Further, even if migrants are lucky enough to make it across the U.S. border, the chances are high that they’ve been raped and/or abused along the way. Men, women, and children are being used as drug mules, and in some cases, murdered. In short, while exposure, including dehydration and starvation, is taking lots of lives, that’s hardly the only threat faced. And on the topic of exposure, deaths as a result of that will skyrocket as the summer heat sets in.
All of this was preventable. The “remain in Mexico” policy and other safe-third-country agreements the Trump administration negotiated had stemmed the flow. We’ve seen an explosion since Joe Biden took office, and it’s solely his fault. That’s become so obvious that even the President of Guatemala is placing blame where it belongs.
Do you know what you call causing a tragedy that was otherwise completely preventable by elected officials? You call it immoral. Joe Biden may be absolved of the great sin of mean tweets, but the immorality of his presidency far surpasses anything the left ever accused Donald Trump of.
Kagan’s conclusion is blunt: U.S. law “generally requires a lawful admission before a person can obtain LPR status. Sanchez was not lawfully admitted, and his TPS does not alter that fact. He therefore cannot become a permanent resident of this country.” //
Immigration advocates will lament the fact that many of the 400,000 people with temporary protected status are illegal immigrants and that these people will not be able to become permanent residents. Yet blatant violations of immigration law do not disappear when Congress grants illegal immigrants a temporary status due to horrible conditions in their home countries.
The Court made the right decision in this case.
Kamala Harris flew to Guatemala yesterday to talk with their officials about the “root causes” of the border crisis in our country.
Harris showed how narcissistic she was by handing out cookies with her face on them to the reporters on the plane. Then, when she landed in Guatemala, she was met by protesters with big signs saying “Trump Won,” and “Go Home.” //
Giammattei explained how the immediate policy changes upon Biden’s inauguration (such as the reversal of Trump’s “Safe Third Country” policy) immediately led to smugglers organizing in Guatemala bring kids illegally to the United States. //
Ted Cruz
You mean Biden’s campaigning on amnesty, open borders & free healthcare for all illegal aliens wasn’t a good idea?
No kidding.
RNC Research
Guatemalan president says Joe Biden’s “message” is contributing to the 21-year high in border crossings
If you want answers as to where your taxpayer dollars are going and how they’re being used, the Drug Enforcement Administration doesn’t seem to want to tell you much as they refused entry to a Republican delegation that ventured down to a DEA border facility for some answers.
The Washington Post
Under new Biden administration rules curtailing immigration enforcement, ICE carried out fewer than 3,000 deportations last month, the lowest level on record
Biden administration reins in street-level enforcement by ICE as officials try to refocus agency...
washingtonpost.com //
To put that 3,000 deportations in perspective, CBP reported 178,622 encounters with illegal immigrants in April of 2021. With almost none of those people being deported, they are instead being let out into the interior, often without even a court date to report back for. There is no immigration system anymore. It’s just a chaotic mess where CBP and ICE agents are left with their hands tied behind their backs.
Meanwhile, real people are suffering, including women and children who are abused or killed at the hands of the cartels who are facilitating the illegal immigration surge at the southern border. Because a Democrat is in charge, though, there is now very little coverage of what’s going on. That includes the record numbers of migrant children being kept in captivity as well, something that Trump was constantly lambasted for despite having far fewer in custody at any point during his administration.
What is the end game here? To illegally import the entire population of Central America? Where are these people going to go? Where are they going to work? Where will they live? Who is going to support them when they are thrown in the street with nowhere to go by the Biden administration?
All year, we’ve been planning a family trip back to Tanzania in June–the precise window of time when our kids’ new school would be finished and Haven of Peace Academy would still be in session. We had such a traumatic ending last March. All year, our family has talked about going back and finishing better.
But U.S. immigration won’t let us leave the country with Johnny. So that means Grace, Lily, and I will still go to Tanzania this June–only half of us. I’m excited to go, but this is not what I wanted. So I lament.
Yet this isn’t my first struggle with U.S. immigration. It’s been going on for fifteen years.
I think part of the reason why I have compassion for immigrants is because I have four of them in my family. Maybe this is news to some, but children adopted internationally by Americans don’t automatically become U.S. citizens. In the fifteen years I’ve had my children, I’ve often been prevented from bringing them into the United States. And now I’m being prevented from taking one out.
Bill Melugin
BREAKING: .@FoxNews has confirmed via the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that construction on a 13.4 mile stretch of border wall in the Rio Grande Valley will RESUME after pressure from local residents & politicians.
The Biden admin previously halted all wall construction in Jan.
6:43 PM · May 12, 2021
If you want to see how bad Biden’s border crisis has gotten then look no further than the story of a Texas farmer in Quemando on the Rio Grande River that came across a heartbreaking scene while looking over his land.
According to Fox News, the farmer found “baby girls” alone and crying on the border, completely abandoned by adults. One was too young to walk and was crawling naked in the dirt. Texas Rep. Tony Gonzales spoke with the farmer and relayed the event on social media. //
The oldest was seven years old, the youngest was 11 months. Luckily, the girls were no worse for the wear and did not require medical attention. //
Gonzales interviewed the farmer who described the heartbreaking scene. According to the farmer, it was 107 when he found the girls. When he took them in he called a neighboring farmer and his wife to bring supplies to help the little girls and had to find a CBP agent that they knew as the department is overwhelmed with cases right now. //
This is Biden’s border crisis through and through, and as much as the left was upset about “kid’s in cages” they seem to be wholly absent for the problem of abandoned children in the dirt.
RNC Research
Kamala Harris on Biden's border crisis: putting those in Central America "at the center of everything we do" //
I get she’s talking to the president of Guatemala and his team. But, excuse me, that’s wrong. The people of the United States should be “at the center” of everything she or the rest of the Biden regime does. The best interests of this country should be “at the center” of everything she does. That’s literally the Constitutional job. Isn’t that what she took an oath to do? But it’s as if they never remember that. Or don’t even think that to start with.
There is zero honesty about actually caring for these kids but just being emotional for emotion’s sake while those children suffer. The Democrats hope that will be enough to win the argument with the generation that has been brought up to think that “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” is a worthy life pursuit and so far, they are right.
Yet actual people who were encouraged to come here during the Biden-Harris campaign and endure a dangerous journey that makes the Donner party trip look like a cakewalk, are now suffering in multiple ways and the Democrats are just pointing the finger at Trump.
Ted Cruz
These are the pictures the Biden administration doesn’t want the American people to see. This is why they won’t allow the press.
This is the CBP facility in Donna, Texas.
This is a humanitarian and a public health crisis. //
Senator Thom Tillis
Replying to @SenThomTillis
Here are babies handed over by smugglers. Babies. //
Sen. James Lankford
Day two from the border—this is a pod that’s designed to hold 80 people that’s currently holding 709.
Rep. Jim Jordan
Isn’t it strange how Democrats want to defund the police in your neighborhood, but are totally fine with hiring more police at the U.S. Capitol to protect politicians?
“All of this is part of the plan,” Jacobson said when asked if they should have been better prepared to handle this influx of children before it changed the policy.
Doesn’t that just say it all?
She then said they needed to convey to the people that they shouldn’t be coming, so she tried to do that in Spanish. But instead of saying that “the border is closed,” she ended up saying “the border is not closed.”
You see, the “cages” that the left so wailed about under Trump were really chain link fencing that served as initial holding in detention facilities. The press continually used Obama-era pictures of said facilities to go after the Trump administration in one of the greater bits of media dishonesty we’ve seen in the last decade. The realities of the situation were eschewed for partisan gain, as if CBP and ICE could just release children onto the street and tell them to figure it out.
But here’s the kicker — the facilities now being re-opened under Biden were built under Trump. Therefore, in order for a fact-checker to note that the conditions have improved under Biden, they’d have to admit that it was Trump who actually improved the conditions while also revealing it was Obama who so badly screwed them up in the first place.
Regardless, the children are no less detained than they were before. Tents and shipping containers with barred windows are hardly a bastion of freedom, though the optics are slightly better, I suppose. Yet, there’s some serious poetic justice in the Biden administration having to now own criticism for what they formerly used as a political cudgel.
The president is looking to raise the number of legal immigrants becoming naturalized American citizens before 2022 so they can vote in the upcoming elections. On Tuesday, he issued an executive order instructing multiple federal agencies to work on ways to increase the rates of naturalizations.
Remember when “kids in cages” was a rallying cry of the left and their mainstream media allies? Yeah, that’s quickly shifted to a much more realistic view of the world. What a coincidence, right?
Priscilla Alvarez
Feb 2, 2021
NEW: The Biden admin is reopening an overflow facility in Texas for unaccompanied migrant children apprehended at the US-Mexico border. It comes amid an increase in apprehensions + reduced capacity limits at other facilities due to Covid-19.
Biden administration prepares to open overflow facility for migrant children
Trump: "My Administration will not support giving congressional representation to aliens who enter or remain in the country unlawfully, because doing so would create perverse incentives and undermine our system of government. Just as we do not give political power to people who are here temporarily, we should not give political power to people who should not be here at all." //
"The Secretary [of Commerce] shall report the tabulation of total population by state that reflects the whole number of persons whose usual residence was in each state as of the designated census date in section 141(a) of title 13, United States Code, without regard to immigration status," the order states.
"The Fourteenth Amendment apportions seats in the House of Representatives 'among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State,'" the order argues.
The Fourteenth Amendment was passed after the Civil War for the purposes of recognizing former slaves, not illegal aliens. //
Biden's executive order signed Wednesday revoked two Trump-era orders seeking to exclude illegal aliens from the decennial count. The Census was challenged in the courts, and the Trump administration failed to meet an end-of-year deadline to complete the count.
Illegal aliens have been included in previous counts and are reflected in the current apportionment of House seats in Congress and electors in the electoral college. The Center for Immigration Studies analyzed the impact of excluding illegal immigrants and their children from the census and reapportioning House seats accordingly. The result was a net loss of House seats for Democrats and a net gain of electors for Republicans.
No wonder President Biden reversed this on his first day in office. //
Bob Parkman Scholar
a day ago edited
The amendment refers to jurisdiction thereof and since they're here in violation of our law they dont recognize our jurisdiction and should not be included.
They're not supposed to be here and should be deported thus they should not be counted.
As I said, this is a shock to no one. This is Democrat policy for at least 40 years. The idea is simple. You import an underclass…low skill/no skill people who can’t function in English…you create barriers to assimilation (let’s call this “multiculturalism” which was such a proven success in Yugoslavia) to ensure they stay captive, you propagate a public eduction system that virtually ensures the offspring of these unfortunates are no better off than they are, and you make them utterly and totally dependent upon government largess for all their basic needs. Finally, you seed these communities with political operatives who ensure party loyalty.
The only thing this is adding is an easy route to US citizenship for illegals and thereby create a magnet for even more people to cross into the US illegally and wait on the inevitable next round of amnesty and citizenship.