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A bounty of $12,288 has been announced for the first person to crack the NIST elliptic curves seeds and discover the original phrases that were hashed to generate them.
Destiny is a secure file transfer application that allows people to transfer files without needing to reveal their identities to each other or the service provider. All files are end-to-end encrypted, meaning no one except the sender and the receiver can decrypt the contents. Users select a file on their device and then share the generated code with the intended recipient for safe delivery. No sign-up is needed.
Do-everything workplace managers like Asana and Trello promise organizational utopias. But they reveal limitations that date all the way back to the factory floors of the 1900s. //
If you put something on a digital kanban board without enough information, it is no more useful than it was before you created the task. Workforce software is offloading the job of managing projects to countless mini-projects, each only as useful as the skill and utility of the individual user. And we can’t expect each user to be both a maker and a self-manager, especially with the imperfect tools on the market. When we line up the Trellos, Asanas, Wrikes, Airtables, and endless clones of the same inherent project-management misses, their differences matter less than their end results—to paraphrase Anna Karenina’s line about families, each project-management app promises the same happiness, but each creates unhappy users in its own way.
Focus group for submissions to Astronomy Picture of the Day
It's simply not the BBC's job to tell people who to support and who to condemn, writes the BBC's World Affairs editor. //
Government ministers, newspaper columnists, ordinary people - they're all asking why the BBC doesn't say the Hamas gunmen who carried out appalling atrocities in southern Israel are terrorists.
The answer goes right back to the BBC's founding principles.
Terrorism is a loaded word, which people use about an outfit they disapprove of morally. It's simply not the BBC's job to tell people who to support and who to condemn - who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.
We regularly point out that the British and other governments have condemned Hamas as a terrorist organisation, but that's their business. We also run interviews with guests and quote contributors who describe Hamas as terrorists.
The key point is that we don't say it in our voice. Our business is to present our audiences with the facts, and let them make up their own minds.
As it happens, of course, many of the people who've attacked us for not using the word terrorist have seen our pictures, heard our audio or read our stories, and made up their minds on the basis of our reporting, so it's not as though we're hiding the truth in any way - far from it.
Any reasonable person would be appalled by the kind of thing we've seen. It's perfectly reasonable to call the incidents that have occurred "atrocities", because that's exactly what they are. //
But this doesn't mean that we should start saying that the organisation whose supporters have carried them out is a terrorist organisation, because that would mean we were abandoning our duty to stay objective.
And it's always been like this in the BBC. During World War Two, BBC broadcasters were expressly told not to call the Nazis evil or wicked, even though we could and did call them "the enemy".
"Above all," said a BBC document about all this, "there must be no room for ranting". Our tone had to be calm and collected. //
We don't take sides. We don't use loaded words like "evil" or "cowardly". We don't talk about "terrorists". And we're not the only ones to follow this line. Some of the world's most respected news organisations have exactly the same policy.
The United States made recent concessions to Iran, potentially in violation of the Iranian Nuclear Review Act (INARA). These concessions occurred as Mr. Malley—the Administration’s top negotiator with Iran—is under investigation for the alleged mishandling of classified material. Mr. Malley already had a history of appeasing United States’ adversaries, including meeting with the terrorist group Hamas. The ongoing investigation into Mr. Malley’s security violations are so serious that he was suspended from his position without pay. Further, the investigation was initially hidden from Congress, the American people, and even his fellow State Department officials. //
Gabriel Noronha @GLNoronha
The Tehran Times - an Iranian state media outlet - has published a “Sensitive But Unclassified” memo to Iran Envoy Rob Malley explaining why his clearance was suspended.
The letter looks authentic to me. Indicates Malley also lied about not knowing why his clearance was pulled.
6:42 PM · Aug 27, 2023
Note the date on that - August 2023, long after the suspension, and while the State Department was actively stonewalling Congress' inquiries about the situation.
This is the biggest massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. But unlike the Holocaust, in which the Germans tried to hide their war crimes — it took the Allies, remember, years to uncover all that the Nazis did — here, we have people streaming it, on real-time, on TikTok, on live stream, and on Instagram. //
The woman whose story I began with, Shaked Haran, 10 percent of that kibbutz where her family members were taken from — 10 percent, it is the literal meaning of the word "decimated" — were slaughtered. More than 100 bodies have been recovered from that kibbutz.
I want to emphasize what Jonathan was saying before: This is not a situation with two sides, with militants versus an army. This — the two sides in what just happened over the past 72 hours — is the side of rapist, barbaric people, who we are now learning beheaded babies — beheaded babies — versus innocent people. That is what is going on here. And anyone who is found cheering, celebrating in the streets of London or Paris or Berlin or New York or Sydney, where they are screaming: "Gas the Jews!" They are not cheering for the liberation of the Palestinian people in Gaza, who languish under the jackboot of Hamas. They are cheering for barbarism and bloodshed. And we should be absolutely clear about what is going on here. //
5 hours ago edited
The ADL has been woke for some time now and all of a sudden they proclaim "I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that there is anti-semitism going on in MSNBC and the Democratic party." This is WHO YOU ARE! Wake up, Greenbatt, and smell the coffee. You're like the kapos in Auschwitz. You've allied yourself with people who despise you and will throw you under the bus as soon as you cease to be useful.
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I could go on and on about the chaos that’s been visited upon Americans by a corrupt D.C. establishment, but the ousting of a House speaker doesn’t rank on the list. //
Biden has championed Iran, sent it money, given money to Palestinians, undermined Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, and aided Iran in numerous ways. The administration’s goal of blowing up the Abraham Accords, the Trump-negotiated peace agreements to strengthen Israel and its non-Iranian neighbors, may have succeeded with this weekend’s horrific attack on Israeli civilians.
Americans cannot trust the permanent D.C. political and media classes to identify true crises, only to create them with their made-up reporting and hysteria.
A mainline Israeli news station is reporting that the bodies of 40 babies have been found in the town of Kfar Aza following the invasion by Hamas militants on Saturday.
According to i24 news, the babies were being carried out on gurneys, with some of them having been beheaded. //
I'm talking to some of the soldiers, and they say what they've witnessed as they've been walking through these different houses, these different communities. Babies, their heads cut off, that's what they said. Gunned down, families completely gunned down in their beds. You can see some of these soldiers right now comforting each other.
The reporter goes on to describe the house-to-house fighting that is still ongoing, with the bodies of those murdered being found every hour. Booby traps are also set in the area, worsening the recovery efforts for those that were massacred.
The kibbutz in question is positioned near the Southern border with the Gaza Strip and was one of the places hit by Hamas.
These segments produced no shortage of drama and gripping visuals, but they also delivered some harsh reality, namely that these incidents each took place inside of Israel. Trey Yingst was indicating how the Hamas rockets were of such volume as to hopefully overwhelm the famed Iron Dome anti-rocket system Israel has developed for its protection. All the reporters were experiencing attacks from Hamas, something a few of their own networks were striving to gloss over.
What we saw, as gripping as it was to experience from the vantage of a reporter, is a reality many residents inside Israel have had to contend with for years. These evasive actions are commonplace for many as these types of attacks from Palestinians are persistent. And, despite the agitprop delivered by “Tulkarm Rose” on CNN, those targets are frequently — almost exclusively — civilian in nature.
It is rather galling to see these news outlets try to paint Israel as the unreasonable aggressor in these conflicts (as they attempt to bypass the significance of phrases such as “military response” and “retaliatory strikes”) while their own reporters are detailing the very aggression leading to Isreal’s reactions. It is one thing to attempt to gaslight the globe about the threats to the nation, but it turns pathetic when your own people are displaying the harsh reality faced by the Israelis.
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700 dead in a country of 9.3 million people (where everyone knows someone’s cousin) is the equivalent of a terror attack on America in which over 25,000 people were brutally murdered. And not in a single catastrophe: Imagine 25,000 Americans killed in various murder sprees across the country.
Apples have been a sweet addition to Jewish cooking for centuries, even if they probably weren’t actually found in the Garden of Eden. //
One of the most widely grown fruits in the world, the apple (Malus domestica) is said to originate in the mountainous region of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and northwest China, where forests of wild apples (Malus sieversii) have been growing for more than 4 million years. In fact, Almaty—the largest city in Kazakhstan—literally means “the place of apples.” From Central Asia the apple was brought to the Middle and Near East via the Silk Road, and then introduced to Europe by the Romans.
The trail that leads from Tehran to D.C. passes directly through the offices of Robert Malley and the International Crisis Group
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an hour ago
"The move will likely be fraught with controversy."
Not to me..
"War is the remedy our enemies have chosen. Other simple remedies were within their choice. You know it and they know it, but they wanted war, and I say let us give them all they want; not a word of argument, not a sign of let up, no cave in till we are whipped or they are." William T. Sherman
Christopher Columbus’s perseverance and courage in his four transatlantic crossings inspired later explorers and seekers of freedom. //
Columbus Day is worth keeping and honoring because it remains foundational to the establishment of a new nation by people who largely shared the core beliefs and the qualities of character Columbus exhibited. Columbus Day commemorates character, embodies freedom, and celebrates the uniqueness that is America.
The entire case is built on ludicrous contortions of logic and law. The Colorado Court of Appeals, for instance, ruled in favor of Scardina, contending that the colors pink and blue aren’t really speech because, in and of themselves, they aren’t expressive of anything. The message, says the court, is “generated by the observer.”
Yes. Because Phillips isn’t a complete idiot, he understands that context matters. The color white has no inherent meaning, either. If a known Klansman asks a tailor to fit him for some white sheets, it definitely does.
Then again, if you believe Scardina just happened to approach the most famous Christian baker in the country to create a “transition” cake the day after the Supreme Court’s Masterpiece ruling was dropped in 2017, you’re certainly an idiot. The entire Scardina episode, including the configuration of the cake — using colors but no words — was calibrated to set Phillips up. //
Scardina claims the lawsuit was intended to “challenge the veracity” of Phillips’ claim that he would serve “LGBTQ” customers. This is the central lie of the case. Phillips never once refused to sell a gay couple or a transgender person or anyone else anything in his store. But Phillips isn’t Autumn Scardina’s servant, and the government has no right to compel him to endorse or participate in any lifestyle. //
the media keeps contending that Phillips is looking for a religious “carve out” in anti-discrimination law — or something along those lines. No such thing exists. It is unclear if the people who write those words are unfamiliar with the First Amendment or just instinctively dismiss it, but religious liberty and free expression are explicitly protected by law. Anything that infringes on those rights is the “carve out,” not the other way around. If “anti-discrimination” laws dictate that the government can compel Americans to express ideas they disagree with, as Colorado does, then anti-discrimination laws need to be overturned, tout de suite.