5333 private links
Identity politics and the left’s desire to eliminate the middle class so that more Americans are reliant on the government have created a crisis that is worth fixing.... //
“I think we have to just assume that government — and that’s not just our elected officials but mostly the 2 million federal employees that are combining in their own offices, legislative, executive, and judicial power — that they want people to be dependent upon them because then they will support the expansion of that class and the greater remuneration and pensioning and power and influence and reputation of that class,” Hanson said. //
One example, Hanson argued, is that of military leaders who are more focused on profiting off of defense contracting and infiltrating their ranks with identity politics than on their service members dying in places such as Afghanistan.
“I think things are gonna change because I think in a year or two, there’s going to be a radical change in the government — legislative branch first and executive likely — and these generals are going to be shocked when they see that they don’t have a constituency anymore and the left never liked them and never supported them. They just found that they were useful idiots for a while. I think what they’ve done to traditional America is shocking.”
One of the most lamentable things in our society today is the lack of communication. It’s the source from which many of our problems stem and benefit no one but those in positions of power. Lack of communication only breeds ignorance and those on the left have made it clear that communication isn’t just frowned upon, it’s punishable. Even Kasparian, one of the most leftist figures in the culture, isn’t safe from this kind of isolationist mentality being enforced.
She probably knew that going in and did it anyway, and for that, I salute her. Moreover, it took some bravery to go up against Shapiro, one of the leading minds in conservatism today and a man famous for his debating skills.
I hope more debates like this happen, and not just between Shapiro and Kasparian. I hope more people step forward and allow respectful debate to happen. I’d like to see more of what the left has to say in situations where they have to answer hard questions and confront real facts. No softballs to save them, just naked debate. It’s a big part of our national identity that we’ve been missing for some time and seeing it again made me feel like something lost had returned.
Ana Kasparian, I salute you.
By rewriting America’s history and 'recontextualizing' her founding documents, Biden’s National Archives is seeking to undermine our country's founders. //
Words matter, and few words have mattered more in the history of the United States than those contained within the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and other founding-era documents stewarded by the National Archives.
Protecting and celebrating the most important works in U.S. history isn’t only important because the Constitution and Bill of Rights, as well as other documents in the National Archives, are still legally binding, but also because they tell a story of who we are as a nation and what it means to be American. Today leftists, including many officials in the Biden administration, are actively working to rewrite that story, and to undermine every part of America’s exceptional past. //
Since the National Archives contains more than 100 million records, there are bound to be some that are offensive. But rather than identify prominent documents that are indeed offensive as such, the Archives chose to issue a “Harmful Language” warning across the board, knowing full well the documents read most often on its website and in its halls are founding-era materials like the Constitution.
You might be tempted to chalk up the Archives’ warning label to pure laziness. Being woke and accurate is hard when you’re in charge of maintaining millions of records, I’m sure. But it’s worth noting that the warning label emerged from the National Archives’ radical Task Force on Racism, which has developed dozens of other plans meant to give the impression that America’s history is full of racism, hatred, and violence, rather than highlight the nation’s incredible achievements.
In a 105-page report issued by the task force in April 2021, the National Archives suggested it, like the United States, is full of “structural racism,” including “a Rotunda in our flagship building that lauds wealthy White men in the nation’s founding while marginalizing BIPOC [black, indigenous, people of color], women, and other communities.” Since the report’s release in April, Archivist of the United States David Ferriero has “accepted the recommendations in full.” //
Additionally, the Archives will transform its famous Rotunda to “create a more inclusive and historically accurate tribute to the nation’s founding.” Its “Reimagine the Rotunda” plan includes “contemporary views on the men who framed the founding documents and their participation in and positions on slavery,” new sculptures, and a “recontextualizing” of the murals now in the Rotunda.
Here’s the thing with denials. It’s typically useful when giving one to actually deny the activity you are being accused of. Instead of Milley doing that in this statement, we see a flurry of qualifiers and weasel language //
What don’t we see? Any reassurance that he did follow the proper chain of command by notifying the president of his actions. Milley also does not claim that he didn’t tell the Chinese what Woodward says he told the Chinese. In other words, this denial isn’t a denial at all. Rather, it’s confirmation that he did do what he was accused of.
So where does that leave us? It leaves us with ridiculous arguments over whether Milley was justified or not in doing what he did. I maintain that there can be no justification for quite literally pledging to commit treason, no matter how much you hate or distrust the president. If Milley was concerned about an unlawful order, he was within his rights to refuse it, resign, and go public. That he didn’t do that only undercuts his claims of justification. //
It’s clear that Milley was a delusional man run amok. He had convinced himself he was standing against a coming revolution when all he was really doing was violating the constitutional order to feed his own ego. Further, it’s fairly obvious that his talks with Nancy Pelosi were to ingratiate himself so he could keep his job in the next administration. There’s a reason Milley is pushing critical race theory in the military. He’s a political actor concerned with staying in power, not with actually helping keep the military in a condition where it can perform its legal role.
The Jan. 8 call, especially, to such a high level person in China is going rogue by Milley. Milley doesn’t have the right to conduct foreign policy. It just means that we have to add Mark Esper to the people who may have acted improperly and need to answer up here. It isn’t the responsibility of the Secretary of Defense to conduct foreign policy.
But there’s also another problem here. Esper wasn’t even Secretary of Defense on Jan. 8 — he was fired in November 2020 and replaced by Christopher Miller. So whose authority was Milley operating under? It wasn’t from Trump or Esper.
It also means that if this story is true, they lose their crazy story/excuse about this being about the election and Jan. 6. Then it had nothing at all to do with that but with trying to operate around Trump, without any of that alleged “justification.”
Now, we can’t leave out that Woodward may just be adding a lot of spin into this to help sell his book.
But it’s clear that Mark Milley, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and now Mark Esper need to be questioned by Congress as to what was going on here, because if these reports are true, it surely does look like people were trying to subvert the president of the United States.
Alexander S. Vindman
If this is true GEN Milley must resign. He usurped civilian authority, broke Chain of Command, and violated the sacrosanct principle of civilian control over the military. It’s an extremely dangerous precedent. You can’t simply walk away from that. #dotherightthingintherightway
The Washington Post
Top general was so fearful Trump might spark war with China that he made secret calls to his counterpart in Beijing, new book says https://washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/09/14/peril-woodward-costa-trump-milley-china/
2:17 PM · Sep 14, 2021
Dr. Jeffrey Guterman
Sep 14, 2021
Replying to @AVindman
I respectfully disagree. If true, this was an extraordinary situation that threatened the federal government.
Alexander S. Vindman
The CJCS always has the ability to resign rather than implement a awful or unlawful order. What is described here is wrong. Also, no one person is indispensable. There are a half dozen Chief ready to step into that role. There is no “deep state” but this narrative feeds into one.
2:43 PM · Sep 14, 2021
The basis of the entire Republic is civilian control of the military. There is no "but we think he sucks" exception. Vindman is correct. If true, Milley either goes or we have now put into place a dangerous precedent that only Twitter bluechecks think won't boomerang.
Sean Davis
He learned it by watching you. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KUXb7do9C-w
Alexander S. Vindman
If this is true GEN Milley must resign.
Propaganda from the corrupt corporate media, Hemingway said, is just one way that political agendas such as swaying a court decision can be pushed.
“I don’t think the credibility of the media can go down much more than it already has. People are not trusting them and I actually think that’s a good thing,” Hemingway said. “I think people thought for a long time that the media were just biased, that they just needed encouragement to do a better job of journalism. What’s different about the moment we’re in now is that I think people realize they’re doing their job. Their job is not journalism, their job is propaganda.”
“That’s good that people have woken up to the reality that the media are that hostile to conservative ideas, founding principles, and so they’re not expecting them to be improved by complaining about bias or pointing out hypocrisy,” she continued. “They actually understand that they are in many ways the primary political opponent of lovers of freedom and the founding principles upon which this country has had so much success.”
The slogans they yell the loudest are the ones they believe the least. We’ve noticed that recently. Volume is inversely proportional to sincerity. You scream it because you don’t really believe it. How do we think this? Here’s why. //
The very same people who’ve told us for decades that it’s “my body, my choice,” and seemed to mean it— those people — immediately abandoned their own argument when COVID arrived. Suddenly they were demanding that we wear the mask and get the shot.
These weren’t optional suggestions. They weren’t deeply personal decisions to be made according to the dictates of individual conscience, after consulting with family, physicians, and clergy. Not at all. These were mandates. All of a sudden Democrats were arguing that actually, politicians do get to decide what we do with your bodies — it’s their choice, not yours:
“Inject these powerful drugs whether you want to or not because we own you.”
Whatever else that is, that is not a pro-choice position, to put it mildly. So as we watched this happen we wondered: what are these people going to say the next time so-called abortion rights are challenged in court? Now we know the answer. //
Reporter: The law signed by Gregg Abbott bans abortion after a so-called fetal heartbeat is detected – usually around six weeks.
“So-called fetal heartbeat.” Democrat hypocrisy at its finest: embrace “the science” when it fits the narrative; ignore the science when it destroys the narrative.
“They didn’t tell you why it’s so important to stop fetal hearts from beating,” said Carlson. “They just asserted that it is.” //
Intentionally stopping a person’s heart from beating is the definition of killing. Government has a right to regulate that. Deciding when it’s OK to kill a person is, on the most basic level, the whole reason we have laws in the first place. So whether it’s right or wrong or whether you like it or not, it’s not a crazy statute. It did however drive the media crazy.
far too many Republicans are content to sit behind their Maginot Line of judicial appointments and constitutional arguments, believing that the next war will be like the last. Meanwhile, Biden and his leftwing cohorts have realized that they can just go around those defenses by manipulating private businesses into doing what they want. Whether we are talking about vaccine mandates or Critical Race Theory, the strategy is the same.
Things can’t stop at just fighting the government. Every legal tool available, from lawsuits to boycotts to executive orders, must be wielded by state-level Republicans to stop this onslaught because once the door is opened on this stuff, it will never be closed. Big corporations are not your friend. Treat them accordingly.
We are at the precipice when it comes to individual rights in this country. Are Republican politicians content to watch the freedom of their constituents melt away under a misguided facade of libertarianism or do they engage on all fronts? Unfortunately, I don’t have an answer to that question.
Tom Cotton
If you’re an American stranded in Afghanistan, or know one who is, please contact my office immediately:
(501) 223-9081 or
The situation is dire, but we’ll do everything in our power to help keep you informed and to help get you out.
4:06 PM · Aug 15, 2021
Angelo Carusone
Imagine being trapped in Afghanistan in this moment..and thinking best person to call is Tom Cotton of all people.
Honestly, if someone’s in that situation where Tom Cotton is the only number they can call, they’d be better off just calling NYC’s 311. I mean really. Tom Cotton.
Maggie Haberman
Cotton spokesman says that their office has heard from multiple US citizens in Kabul trapped behind Taliban checkpoints, who can’t safely reach the US perimeter and have no clear option for what to do. https://twitter.com/SenTomCotton/s //
Nick Pappas
Have you considered the possibility this was so botched that they didn’t have anything besides a phone number on Tom Cotton’s Twitter account?
9:33 PM · Aug 15, 2021
Christina Pushaw
Yeah, why would you call a Senator who served in Afghanistan when you could have called Biden?
Oh wait, Biden was on the phone to the Broward superintendent praising the forced masking of kindergarteners. Then he went on vacation.
8:02 AM · Aug 16, 2021
Glenn Greenwald
Scummiest tweet of the week comes, unsurprisingly, from the head of Media Matters: condemning a US Senator for using his office to try to help Americans get out of Afghanistan safely rather than just tweeting empty, performative "demands" -- all because he's a Republican.
I don’t think anyone, right or left, really thinks Joe Biden can afford to hold Beijing to account for much of anything due to the degree to which he and his drug-addled, sex-addicted grifting son are compromised by China’s intelligence services. It is also difficult to believe that Navy leadership, which has to be at least as aware of the Navy’s ineptitude as the rest of us, didn’t give the Benfold orders to skedaddle when faced with Chinese pushback. The US Navy, indeed the US military, is simply not capable of carrying out a limited conflict to defend freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and protecting the territorial integrity of the nations in the region, including those of our allies. The Chinese know it. Our allies know it. Our military and political leadership know it. Maybe, eventually, the American people will wake up to just how poorly they are being served before too many young Americans have to die to make the point.
the question for any movement is not whether it is righteous on paper, but rather if it betters or worsens a given situation. On that front, I believe I can make a definitive judgment – the woke movement has failed. //
What’s so depressing about this is that it was imminently preventable. Nothing substantive in our laws has changed to cause such divisions. We didn’t start implementing segregation or other forms of state-mandated discrimination again over the last eight years, for example. Instead, every bit of the above collapse can be explained by political rhetoric, almost exclusively coming from the left under the guise of “being woke.”
Victimhood is not only addictive, it has become a form of currency. That’s not to say that there are no actual victims. It is to say that the idea of collective victimization, i.e. all black people are being oppressed at this very moment because one police officer did something bad in a single instance, on a single street, to a single person, is an incredibly divisive way of thinking. Victimization should logically be based on personal impact, and when it is, it can be dealt with. Yet, when John Doe in Sacramento is a “victim” because of something that happened to Sally Sue in New York, that leaves nowhere to go. Everything becomes so abstract as to have no solution.
Perceptions brought about largely by a well-funded activist class, not actual realities on the ground in individual lives, have caused the absolute collapse in race relations we are now seeing in the country. And again, has anyone actually been helped along the way, black people included? Objectively, the answer has to be no because when relations are trashed based purely on politically pushed narratives, again, there is no end game. There is no big issue to rally around to say “ok, let’s change this specific law and it will fix this specific problem.” //
Zaid Jilani
Jul 22, 2021
During other periods of high tension, like the civil war, great depression, 1960s, there were substantive issues impacting the reality for Americans. What sharply changed in 2013 besides media (traditional and social)?
Zaid Jilani
Obama also was critical of some voting laws but I don't remember him talking like this. This kind of racial fear tactic is so common now.
Matt Viser
“This is Jim Crow on steroids,” President Biden says of the GOP-led changes in voting laws. //
The division is the point for the woke. //
This is not healthy, and it’s not a situation that a country can survive long-term. A political movement should be judged by its fruit, not by whatever righteousness it bestows upon itself. The fruit of the woke movement has been bitter and rotten. It serves no purpose except to divide and worsen whatever situation it claims to be fixing. For that, it does not deserve respect, but destruction.
Many media pundits will reflexively view the recent Supreme Court decision to strike down the California rule mandating that nonprofit groups disclose their top donors as a victory for conservatives such as Charles Koch. While the Koch-associated group Americans for Prosperity (AFP) served as the lead plaintiff to challenge the law, this 6-3 ruling by the justices should also be viewed as a loss for Vice President Harris.
It was Harris, the former California attorney general, who first interpreted the state's regulations on charities to mandate that nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations report all gifts greater than $5,000 via the IRS Schedule B donor list.
Ostensibly, Harris was simply guarding against nonprofit lawbreaking, self-dealing or conflicts of interest. But her rule was the equivalent of asking everyone to send her their checking account statements, just in case someone was laundering money. As a law enforcement officer, she had the right to subpoena IRS records, but hers appeared to be a fishing expedition in search of so-called dark money, the allegedly nefarious influence-machine of the right.
The Supreme Court's ruling shouldn't be associated with Harris just because she issued the original requirement on nonprofits. She also was the first to strictly enforce the law, and she persisted in defending it even after an initial court ruling against it. //
It's worth mentioning what Harris had to overlook in order to persist in defending her interpretation of California's charity law. She had to ignore a key precedent from the 1958 Supreme Court ruling that overturned Alabama's Jim Crow requirement that the NAACP disclose donor information. At the time, this was practically an invitation to lynching. Harris had to overlook the fact that the district court cited "threats, protests, boycotts, reprisals and harassment directed at those individuals publicly associated with AFP." She also had to minimize the fact that "inadvertent" disclosures of donor information already had occurred, and that information leaks often occur (see the recent disclosure of the tax returns of some of America's wealthiest businessmen).
It's hard to see Harris's interpretation of the California law as anything more than a partisan political play that was unnecessary to her role in law enforcement and potentially motivated by the Democratic hysteria about conservative dark money - even as the political left relies on complex organizations to funnel funds to its own causes. //
Let's stop judging an organization's public positions based on who their private supporters might be. That's as true for the American Civil Liberties Union, which supported the Koch position in the case, as it is for AFP. Both deserve to have their arguments judged on the merits, not based on the sources of their money.
If you look for Business Item 39 on the NEA website, https://ra.nea.org/business-item/2021-nbi-039/, you find the page has been scrubbed. The copy posted in this article is from the Wayback Machine.
What purpose was served by deleting an item the NEA voted to approve in a meeting viewed by thousands of people? The obvious answer is that the battle over the definition of CRT is not over for some on the left, and the NEA acknowledging that they are pushing CRT undercuts the argument that no such problem exists. Nevertheless, two equally large lessons for us can be drawn from this episode. The first is that CRT is a major focus of NEA activity, and, as Ron White says, that’s a handy piece of information to have.
The second thing is that we can expect the NEA to change course and begin to relentlessly lie about their advocacy for CRT.
All of this goes to show that we are in a total war for the minds of our children. If we don’t fight it by running for office and passing laws outlawing racism as a teaching technique, we will lose this nation and deserve to do so.
Far-leftists have despised America for decades. Members of Congress who call themselves progressives decry the ills of American society like police brutality, poverty, and all kinds of injustice. Activists march and protest in the streets and on college campuses for equity. However, despite governing most of the areas in which the afflicted masses reside, they have done little to nothing to affect significant change.
In light of this reality, it is appropriate to ask: What exactly do these people want? What has to happen before the adherents of wokeism finally develop at least a modicum of respect and – dare I say it – love for the United States?
Leftists who rail against America are conspicuously quiet when it comes to laying out specific objectives. Take racism, for example; since racial bias can never truly be wholly extinguished, how much will it need to be decreased before these people acknowledge that the country is worthy of respect? Furthermore, if they care so much about racial disparities due to racism, why have they not pursued real solutions? Finally, why have they not encouraged productive conversations on these matters instead of just lazily accusing everyone with whom they disagree of being slobbering bigots? //
The hard left will never love America – at least not in its current incarnation. The America these people would love is one in which the government has the most control and influence over our lives. Affection for the U.S. can only come after their pipe dreams of a western utopia are realized.
To put it another way, those on the hard left will not be satisfied until they have destroyed America and then, from the rubble, rebuild it in their own image. Marxism must rule the day if America is to be worthy of respect. //
It is important to remember this when watching how the hard left moves. Their objective is not to improve America, it is to remake America. They will not stop until they finish what President Barack Obama started when he declared they would “fundamentally transform America.”
Cori Bush
When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people.
This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.
10:48 AM · Jul 4, 2021
Ted Cruz
Hateful, divisive lies.
The Left hates America. Believe them when they tell you this.
Two years ago, Colin Kaepernick tried to spread the same lies on July 4. I responded with the wisdom of the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass:
For posterity’s sake, I will argue on the merits just a bit here, though. The United States is not built on “stolen” land. Rather, it’s built on a combination of bought and conquered land via several wars. That makes it not unique at all in the annals of history. Almost every single nation on earth gained and maintained its borders via force and bargaining. Nations that haven’t done so are a result of other nations doing it for them and then protecting them along the way.
In fact, every piece of land the United States now rests on was fought over and “stolen” by some tribe from another tribe long before Europeans arrived. That’s simply the way of the world. It doesn’t mean you don’t recognize the wrongs of history, discuss them, and learn from them. It does mean you resolve to live in the current reality as it exists, observing the totality of history, not just what fits the woke narrative.
As Cruz says, these misleading rants by far-left race grifters are meant to divide and nothing else. Bush wants power, and she sees power in division. There is no need to read any deeper into her rant than that.
Cori Bush
When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people.
This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.
10:48 AM · Jul 4, 2021
Keep in mind, this is a House member who grew up poor, rose to prominence via her activism, and was elected to office by the voters of Missouri. If anyone is representative of the incredible privilege all Americans enjoy at a base level to better themselves, it’s Bush. Yet, instead of showing any gratitude, she proclaims that only white people enjoy the freedom that July 4th represents. //
the term freedom has an actual meaning. For example, not being rich does not mean you lack the freedom to be rich. Yet, people like Bush try to define freedom in terms of specific results instead of freedom of opportunity. That’s asinine because it ignores that people have agency, and the moment you take agency away from people, you are depriving them of said freedom.
Smith appeared as a guest on Fox Business Channel during Monday’s episode of Varney & Co. where he and host Stuart Varney discussed the backlash he received to his viral video. Smith’s response? He mimicked a cricket.
“What was the reaction to you by people who support Critical Race Theory?” asked Varney.
“I’ll give you an example,” said Smith, before making the whistling sound. “They had nothing to say because, pretty much, the lifestyle that I came from, I was the very type of person that they were talking about, that was down, and suppressed, and oppressed, and disproportionate, and for me to be able to come out of that, to work my way through school to get where I am, I just call BS on it – it’s nonsense.” //
To be sure, Smith is another example in the myriad of examples of how Critical Race Theory is wrong. As Smith made clear during his viral speech, he came from a background where his mother and father weren’t present, had to work his way through college, and yet he’s a successful man with two medical degrees. He’s also a successful YouTuber and radio show host.
Despite the left’s inability to launch a single legitimate attack against him, it hasn’t stopped them from lying about him in order to make others stop listening to him. However, it’s hard to deny the facts.
“What gets me is that, as soon as I said that, right, that seemed to have been the focus I noticed was mainly being played. But, I told like whoever these – I guess you’d call them the far left – it seems like they just wanted to focus on. So, now I have no degrees, I don’t have a wife, I don’t have any sons, I’m not a musician, I’m not a minister. I’m some actor that was placed there by the Republican Party and turns out I’m Candace Owens’ brother!” he said.
Acosta: “So take the bike to work, huh?”
Brooks: “Sometimes.”
Acosta: “Congressman, is there any way we can get you to talk about January 6th?”
Brooks: “I do not do interviews with CNN because I do not trust CNN to be honorable or truthful.”
Acosta: “Well, can I ask you do you still believe Antifa was behind January 6th?”
Brooks: “I’ve already said what I’m going to say. I don’t trust y’all to be truthful or honest.”
Acosta: “Well, can you tell us if you if you regret what you said on January 6th?”
Brooks: “I do not trust CNN to be truthful or honest, so I do no interviews with CNN.”
Acosta: “I’m just asking you questions. I’m asking you fair questions here, sir. Why can’t you answer the question?”
Brooks: “I do not trust y’all to be truthful or honest with anything CNN does.”
Hirono’s philosophy when it comes to judges is on full display. She attempts to assert that gay marriage would not have been legalized had judges followed “originalism.” Now, I’m not sure of the legal merits of that claim (as far as whether originalism was a deterrent instead of other factors) but it’s a blatant admission that she wants her judges to be partisans who legislate from the bench. In fact, it’s an admission she wants her judges to have no limiting principles whatsoever. Call it the “wise Latina” standard set by Justice Sotomayor, who is very open about the fact that she rules based on the idea of “justice” and impact instead of what the law actually says.
Hirono, in this case, gets very angry when Cruz points out her ridiculous notion, claiming that he was “mansplaining” to her. It’s one of the more cringe moments in the video, akin to your grandmother trying to sing rap lyrics. Cruz then ties her in knots by asking her to note exactly what he mischaracterized about her silly rant.