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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis made an announcement on Thursday that he’s been waiting to make for several months now: his wife Casey is cancer-free.
“I have a positive update about my wife Casey DeSantis,” he announced in a video on Twitter. “After going through both treatment and surgery for breast cancer, she is now considered cancer-free.”
Another day has passed and that means a fresh Ron DeSantis conspiracy theory must be birthed. The latest one (and the most serious charge in a while) comes from the Associated Press, which trumpeted that ‘DeSantis top donor invests in COVID drug governor promotes‘ in the headline.
Sounds awful, right? Clearly, the bad Florida man is promoting a COVID treatment so his top donor can make money off it and then redistribute funds back via political donations. And, to be sure, that’s the takeaway most took as the internet exploded with another cycle of accusing DeSantis of being everything from anti-vax to wanting people to die.
So what’s the real story? Well, it does involve a DeSantis donor, but not at all in the way it was being framed. Rather, the donor is a hedge fund manager that manages almost $40 billion in assets. The company in question makes up a tiny fraction of the total investments to the point where it’s irrelevant. In fact, they aren’t even really investments. Rather they are call options.
Further, the treatment in question…works. In fact, the article admits that, though, their headline was meant to give a different impression. ///
A Political Action Committee (PAC) can only donate $5000 directly to a candidate per election. If DeSantis was trying to do a "Pay for Play" he is doing it wrong. There are some very good examples on the other side of the aisle on how to do it a lot better!
The Daily Wire reports that the Western Conservative Summit found that for those who attended, “The top five candidates, in order of most approval to least, were: Ron DeSantis (74%), Donald Trump (71%), Sen. Ted Cruz (43%), Mike Pompeo (39%) and Sen. Tim Scott (36%),” //
John Cardillo
People want action and DeSantis has proven he’s willing to act.
Anecdotally, those I speak to trust DeSantis FAR more on personnel. //
Indeed, it’s no secret that personnel staffing problems plagued President Trump’s administration from the get-go.
GOP hacks from the Republican National Committee and other D.C. swamp creatures took advantage of the new president’s inexperience dealing with the government, and, rather than appointing those who supported President Trump, folks like Reince Priebus saw it their duty to fill his administration chock full of Paul Ryan, George Bush-type appointees.
Fake 'Data Scientist' and Ron DeSantis Critic Rebekah Jones Gets Exposed as a Total Fraud – RedState
Despite the fact that disgraced Florida data tech Rebekah Jones was discredited multiple times last year over her claim that she was “fired” for refusing to “manipulate” the state’s coronavirus dashboard in a way that would make Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) look even better, Jones has continued to be lovingly embraced by an MSM who treats her like a martyr for supposedly being willing to lose her job by speaking Truth to Power. //
But though much has been written about and speculated on regarding Jones’ massive deception campaign over the last year, Charles C.W. Cooke did some more digging and wrote what may be the most definitive, receipt-filled investigative piece on Jones to date this week, thoroughly nuking her most explosive claims and documenting how viciously retaliating after rejection is one of Jones’ most notorious hallmarks. //
Charles C. W. Cooke
Replying to @charlescwcooke
Rebekah Jones is not an epidemiologist. She’s not a data analyst. She's not a whistleblower. She's a fabulist, who has an uncanny ability to convince online types that something dodgy happened in FL. It didn’t. If you believe her, you’re the mark.
Stephen L. Miller
Rebekah Jones was promoted and propped up by our media for the same reasons as Michael Avenatti - It doesn't matter how credible they are - only that they say the right things and have the right opponents. It's absolute malfeasance that this continues without consequences.