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Why do I loathe men who pretend to be women competing against women? Because I have always hated bullies.
Culture analyst and YouTuber Misha Petrov gathered some of these responses from American women, noting that these Western feminists are actually insulting these foreign women by claiming they’re uneducated and weak-minded due to their lack of feminist mentality and that these feminists who see themselves as being better than men are also seeing themselves as better than other women.n
Petrov brings up an excellent point and her entire video about the paradox of feminists hating men while still focusing their entire lives around them should be viewed in its entirety (and possibly written about in a separate article) but for now, I want to address the accusations about men being “predatory.”
The idea that men are taking advantage of “dumb” foreign women is wholly out of touch with reality, and it’s a take born out of the ignorance modern women seem to have about men. As I’ve written before, too many young women are taught all their lives what to expect from men but never taught what to deliver in return. This can have a nasty side-effect of dehumanizing men, making them seem like tools meant for the convenience of women than people with their own emotions, hurts, wants, and dreams. //
Men — whom I can personally report are, in fact, human — see this and vacate the very toxic Western dating pool, abandoning Western women to the life of isolation from men they’ve been asking for all along to the chagrin of these women. //
A man desires a partner, not a Queen to serve. He desires stability, and to give and receive love in a relationship that works both ways. He wants to earn for his family, and have the appreciation of his wife as he appreciates her for tending to the home he provides for her and their children utilizing basic homemaking skills. There’s nothing wrong with these desires, in fact, they’re incredibly wholesome.
Then the feminist woman must step back and ask herself what she brings to the table. If the answer is nothing but “me” then what use is she to a man? If that makes her angry, then she should ask if she would be okay with being in a relationship with a person who continues to be useless to her by her own definition.
Mainstream society has been doing its absolute best to eliminate the common garden-variety boy from society. The rambunctious, exploratory, adventurous, and action-centric boy was the seed that grew into the masculine man that would drive civilization, right societal wrongs, and lead people with confidence into a better future.
Raising a boy isn’t necessarily easy. They’re no strangers to danger and find ways to hurt themselves unnecessarily, sometimes for the fun of it. They also love mischief, and will naturally gravitate toward it. Whether the mischief they get up to is good-natured or malicious is based on how well they were raised, but according to our now gyno-centric society, there is no such thing as good boyhood mischief.
Boys have been treated as defective girls for decades now. The goal was to make the boy extinct and turn him into something a bit more pliable and obedient. Schools would see to it that boys were punished for doing things normal boys would do, such as fighting imaginary bad guys on the playground by throwing imaginary grenades at them.
Sure enough, the boy has been lessened, especially with a severe lack of masculine figures to look up to thanks to our entertainment industry becoming so feminized. //
We need to bring back boys. They’re clearly good for society, and not just in the future.
It was shocking, but I don’t use that word in a negative sense. It was shocking because I realized I hadn’t seen women openly advocating for things like gun ownership, Christianity, and motherhood for some time. It really made me realize how inundated I was with leftist messaging. Abortion, feminism, anti-gun propaganda, and the denigration of the nuclear family are my day-to-day norm when it comes to interactions with society.
Here, the women were proudly defying the leftist messaging. They wanted to embrace their femininity. They weren’t confused about their gender. They weren’t denying who they were in order to fit into some pop-delusion being pushed on their sex. They were proud Christians, gun owners, and believers of the American dream. You were just as likely to hear about how women could be the future CEO of their own company as about them being future stay-at-home moms, and both occupations were treated with equal respect, without caveat. //
Another thing I was shocked by was the total lack of denigration of men. I realized I had so often seen “girl power” associated with putting down men that not hearing it in these situations felt alien. In fact, some speakers wove complimentarily and empowering statements toward men into their speeches. Radio show host Dana Loesch was escorted on stage by her eldest son, and at one point, she highlighted the importance of good conservative men.
The event wasn’t shy about relationships. A marriage to a good man was spoken about from time to time, but it defied leftist assumptions and accusations. Subservience was never pushed. It was all about partnerships that brought out the best in both. It was about a healthy family life that fulfilled both husband and wife. They treated both men and women as two respected sides of the same coin, not two divided groups with a victim/oppressor dynamic.
The fact that this was blowing my mind really gives me pause about the times we live in. It was a reminder that the filter being put on the country by mainstream culture is an illusion. America is still here, and I was standing right in the middle of it.
So. We vilify action men, brand chivalry and valor “toxic masculinity,” stamp on the manly virtues that made civilization possible.
Then we are shocked when armed cops stand around outside a classroom while children are slaughtered, or when straphangers watch passively as a woman is assaulted on the subway. //
“Traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful,” the American Psychological Association declared in 2019. These were the masculine attributes it listed as diseased: “stoicism, competitiveness, dominance, aggression, anti-femininity, achievement, eschewal of the appearance of weakness, and adventure, risk and violence.”
The only acceptable man now is a man who wants to be a woman. We celebrate “pregnant men” and “chestfeeding” men.
You see, in the drive to destroy masculinity, we’ve had to erase women as well. //
“We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise,” C.S. Lewis foretold in his dystopian 1943 book “The Abolition of Man.”
“We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”
“Our culture is a trap and makes women feel terrible about themselves,” she wrote in January 2021. “How our culture defines beauty makes it impossible to keep up with. Women are overly sexualized. I know from the worst kind of experience. … To this day I need to write reminders of why I’m worthy that have nothing to do with my physical appearance to convince myself that I’m enough.” //
But notice that, while Hefner’s turtleneck is certainly modest, it’s still striking and it certainly isn’t ugly. That’s because — as she seems to sense — the opposite of hypersexualization isn’t frumpiness, it’s beauty! //
True beauty has a confidence that doesn’t seek validation in naked sex appeal or in self-congratulatory ugliness. It’s dressed in the clothing equivalent of what Edmund Burke called the “decent drapery of life,” which renders beauty by both revealing and concealing. //
Not only is beauty real, it’s a good, desirable thing. Defined rightly, it’s part of the lovely vocation of womanhood and femininity. It’s something to be curated, not rejected (or injected). And that is empowering.
Corey A. DeAngelis
Congressman Fred Keller: Why are women-held positions disproportionately affected by COVID-19?
Inez Stepman: That's a question you should take up with Randi Weingarten
12:39 PM · Oct 21, 2021
Stepman’s response is more than just a mic drop moment. It is a moment of clarity that we need to touting over and over again. The Democrats are trying to fix problems that they created by making more problems which will require more legislation in order to fix the problems that come from the solutions to the problems they made in the first place.
It is utter insanity and hypocrisy and should be called out as such at every opportunity.
Oh, but what about sex? Well, there’s an app for that. Another byproduct of modernity is the widespread feminist ideal of “sexual liberation” which, in truth, actually made the sexual value of women decrease by leaps and bounds. If Girl A won’t give it up then Girl B probably will, and technology has made finding her easy.
It’s the perfect recipe for bachelorhood. A man can avoid marriage, keep his money, save himself the stress, have more time to accomplish goals, and avoid involving himself in the crushing weight of emotional slavery.
The solution to the problem is easier said than done. We’ll need a complete societal rework of how women and men are raised as well as portrayed. Men not only need to be taught how to treat a woman but how to be treated and what to expect in order to achieve a solid, stable relationship. Women should, likewise, be taught how to treat a man as well as what to expect.
We also need to leave behind the idea that men and women are the same. We’re not. Everything from our brain function to our bodies is built differently. More accurately, we’re built for different tasks. From the way we process information to the way we interact with the physical world, we are two different entities that belong to the same species.
We should be taught to be mutually beneficial to one another in our own capacities as men and women, not fall prey to these modern ideas. Women shouldn’t be taught that in order to be happy, they must be childless go-getting ball-busters and not waste their life and potential on marriage and children where they become subservient to men. It’s a narrative that sells well in youth but breaks down quickly as women get older, desire children, and wish to leave the workplace to do it.
Men want to feel welcome in their own relationships. Right now, they aren’t. They feel like passengers, or maybe even more accurately, chauffeurs. If women want men to marry them, then women will have to become marriage material and that means leaving behind the mainstream pop-philosophy and looking into the idea that maybe the feminists were wrong. So very, very wrong.
We have a cultural imperative to teach boys how to be men, but we have just as much need to teach girls what masculinity looks like, and to respect and expect it from the men in their lives.
It’s been observed plenty that the American leftist cultural narrative doesn’t teach boys what they should be learning about manhood. It goes without saying that teaching boys how to be good men is an indispensable part of a flourishing society.
But the public sphere’s masculinity vacuum hurts girls too. Women have no shortage of interactions with men — we marry them, work with them, go to church with them, grow up with them, and raise them. We have a cultural imperative to teach boys how to be men, but we have just as much need to teach girls what masculinity looks like, and to expect it from the men in their lives.
My dad taught me to respect and expect integrity, sacrifice, and wisdom from men. A man worth his salt doesn’t let fear or pressure intimidate him out of doing the right thing, condemning evil, or standing up for those who can’t defend themselves.
Through his example of going to a taxing and wearisome job every day, then coming home to help my mom with dinner, fix a broken sink, or work in the yard, my dad showed me good men make sacrifices. Women aren’t exempt from the obligation to live sacrificially too, of course. But what separates men from boys (and women from girls) is an eager and persistent decision to place others’ needs above their own. To listen patiently even after a long day, to place duty above pleasure, and to do so out of love.
As he’s made those sacrifices, my dad has also shown me how much a man should value his family. He and my mom have cultivated our family as a great source and depository for each other’s encouragement, support, fun, and rest.
I’ve viewed every part of this journey through many lenses, not the least of which is one we call ‘WOMAN.’
I say all this because suddenly and tragically there is a movement afoot to erase womanhood. The “woke left,” progressives, some well-meaning conservatives, and even my own President have decided that in order to appease the tiniest of slivers of humanity who believe they can change their genders by surgically altering their bodies they must completely erase womanhood for all of us. It has come to the point where our own governmental and academic institutions have replaced the word “mother” with “birthing person,” as if that is some type of equality.
You’ll notice we are not replacing “father” with “sperm producer” or some other idiot term. There is something so grossly misogynistic about the movement to erase womanhood. It’s as if none of the notions of women have changed in the last 1000 years. One philosophy is to the far right and one is to the far left, but both paint womanhood as inherently disgusting, flawed, misshapen, and grotesque. The natural form and function of our bodies are repulsive to each extreme. One extreme sought to eliminate our gender through silence – keeping us tucked away at home, away from the reaches of “civilized” society. The other extreme seeks to eliminate our gender through erasure – denying us the privilege of the markers that make us different than men and seeking to nullify the most beautiful aspects of our bodies. It is vile.
I am not a “birthing person.” I am a mother. I am not a “person who menstruates.” I am a woman. My body and my gender deserve your recognition. God knows I have fought a bloody and emotional battle to obtain that recognition. I have earned the respect of womanhood. How dare anyone suggest that because some people are gender bigots that I do not deserve the respect I have earned in this body?
I have given birth to the very future of humanity. That is the privilege of motherhood and the function of womanhood. And if one happens to be a woman who can’t give birth, or who chooses not to give birth, rest assured she is taking those journeys as a woman. She is dealing with the emotional fallout from how that affects her life as a woman. Those things still fall under the umbrella of womanhood and yes, motherhood. Because motherhood – the choosing of it or the absence of it – is an exclusively female function. //
Live your life how you want, but you will not steal my God-given and gloriously created form. You will not reduce me to a function – a person who can give birth. You will address me with the respect I deserve, the respect my mother and her mother and her mother before her fought for. The respect I deserve and I have earned as a WOMAN.
My gender is not your social experiment.
Life’s failures come at you when it’s quiet.
She wakes at 6:30 a.m. to leave for work by 7:30. Forty-five minutes later she’s parking in the basement garage then taking the elevator up to the 24th floor. Ten steps through the glass doors then make a right. Go down past the first door and make another right into the kitchen to put her brown bag lunch in the fridge and grab a coffee. She walks to her office, turns on the lights, and closes the door. Six months at a new job in a new city. It felt like 60 years.
Sit on a vinyl chair made to look like leather at a fake desk made to look like wood. She wishes her desk were wood. There is a warmth to wood. The desk - laminate covering particle board - feels cold and unnatural. Her skin wasn’t formed to touch these things. The fluorescent lights cast shadows over her face, magnifying every crease and aging her 10 years compared to the glow of daylight. The tiny lines in her forehead look like canyons at sunset. Her eyes look defeated. Bags that could carry the world. She appears pale despite the mid-summer tan. //
For her, the unsaid is quite simple: kill your ambition before it kills you. We hope she realizes this before it’s too late. There are so many like her.
The fight to allow women to find meaning in their careers has resulted in denying them the same pride in finding meaning outside of the workplace. //
For the many women who have found that career simply isn’t enough, however, it can feel like you have let down your sex. It can feel you’ve taken for granted those women who fought for equality in the workplace years ago. As much as feminists insist women are shamed into staying at home, the situation today is often exactly the opposite. //
The feminist idea that women only stay at home because they are oppressed or that the wage gap exists because women are discriminated against hurts their pursuit of happiness. I know several women, including me, //
Even though it’s entirely natural for women to want to mother their children or make the choice to work part-time so they can more involved at home generally, women are made to feel that their natural impulses are inauthentic, self-harming, and wrong.
In truth, women are not discriminated against in opportunities. More women than men attend college and get degrees. The gap between the degrees women hold and the actual careers they pursue shows what so many women actually want, and how that often changes when they get married and begin to raise a family.
Just one week after creating a House rules package removing the words from any legislation, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi referred to herself as “a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a daughter” during her opening of the impeachment debate.
She is technically not in violation of her own restrictions, as gendered language was only banned from legislation and other written texts, not speeches or conversation. However, there is something deeply ironic about forbidding others’ use of words while so prominently centering them in her speech.
It’s difficult to believe that Washington Post and NPR reporters on the White House beat are unaware of the fact that women lead the Trump communications team.
Under President Trump, as was reported by The Federalist in June, “For the first time in history, half of the senior leaders of the National Security Council are women. Twelve of the 24 directorates are led by women now, including three of the six regional directorates that cover the world.” They include Dr. Deborah Birx, Allison Hooker, Elizabeth Erin Walsh, Sue Bai, and Julia Nesheiwat, all women.
Rebeccah Heinrichs
I don’t think the male/female ratio thing is a measure of competency. But for those keeping score- For the first time in our history, under Trump, our nuclear enterprise was led by two women; and half of the NSC directorates were led by women.
Ocasio-Cortez is never shy about touting her feminist cred, but what is more anti-woman than taking hormonal contraception to suppress one’s natural fertility and then spending a fortune to try to conceive via invasive medical procedures with a high rate of failure? Even then, one might well be forced to use another woman’s eggs. The structure of the modern economy makes it difficult for women to start a family in their 20s and 30s, but that doesn’t mean women should simply give up on that idea and freeze their eggs instead. //
In the Vanity Fair interview, AOC cites Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth as a role model. Duckworth gave birth to her second child via IVF at age 50. In 2018, Duckworth told Marie Claire that she consciously prioritized working over having a family. “I made the choice early in my career that I don’t want other women to have to make. When I was in my 20s and trying to rise through the ranks of the military, I knew if I took time off to get pregnant and raise my children, it was going to affect my career.”
While Duckworth might say other women shouldn’t follow her example, the images of her entering the Senate floor for the first time with her newborn while other lawmakers applauded send a very different message. No wonder AOC looks up to her. In 2020, the women we lionize are freezing their eggs until they’re 50 and embracing “dog motherhood” in the meantime.
Many young women in America look up to AOC. It is tragic that she is giving them such incomplete and irresponsible advice, endorsing the fertility industry’s myths and presenting pet parenting as a serious alternative to actual motherhood.
“I don’t want to be a savior, I want to be a mirror,” Ocasio-Cortez told Vanity Fair, and she is getting her wish. She is no savior. Young women who listen to AOC on fertility might well end up facing enormous sadness and lifelong heartache.
Like attorney and retired philosophy/women’s studies professor Linda Hirshman, who told fellow feminists to “suck it up and make the utilitarian bargain.”
“Compared with the good Mr. Biden can do, the cost of dismissing Tara Reade — and, worse, weakening the voices of future survivors — is worth it,” Hirshman stated.
Blue-check feminist Kate Gardiner tweeted that she agreed with Hirshman. “This is my sentiment as well – Biden has to win,” Gardiner said in a now-deleted tweet.
In a letter to the editor at the New York Times, retired Dallas attorney and rape survivor Karen Wilson claimed she “loathed hypocrisy” but that it was paramount to get Trump out of office, even if it meant voting for a deeply flawed candidate like Biden who might have violently forced himself on an unwilling woman.
“We cannot survive as a democratic society with Mr. Trump in office for four more years,” Wilson said. “The need to get [Trump] out of office overrules every scruple we may have. I will live with my hypocrisy and believe that tens of millions of Americans will feel the same.” //
In a VIP piece I wrote when all this ugly feminist hypocrisy had been exposed, I pointed out that Joe Biden was effectively destroying the “#MeToo” movement.
But thanks to the media/Democrat protection racket that both insulates Biden from criticism on these issues while going after ACB with both barrels simply because she doesn’t toe the liberal line, it’s not just the #MeToo movement that has been destroyed. The “we must elevate women!” facade feminists have put up for the last several decades has come crashing down as well.
That feminists continue to expose themselves in this manner is a good thing for America. The more women who turn away from pseudo-feminism in all its forms as a result of the hypocrisy of groups like “NARAL” and “NOW” and two-faced Democratic politicians the better.
when they call it a “Woman’s March” what they really mean is a leftist festival, it’s not open to or welcoming of people on the right. //
Also it’s not something that media will ever point to as a “super spreader” event, since they agree with its political purpose.
But the purpose or focus of the leftist march today was against the confirmation of a woman to the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett. Imagine women who claim to support women arguing against the confirmation of a woman, because she politically disagrees with them. //
Carrie Lukas
Oct 17, 2020
Free speech for me but not for thee: BLM blasting music to drown out pro-ACB event. #ImWithHer //
Carrie Lukas
Oct 17, 2020
Women's March protestors now surrounding ACB confirmation rally, screaming "RBG" and intent on shutting down any alternative speakers. This is the "tolerant left," folks. //
Carrie Lukas
Oct 17, 2020
Now protestors storm the stage, shut down event.
It’s rather interesting that the blue-check feminists have focused in on this singular fact about Barrett. A multitude of things were discussed but these women seemed to zero in on this and one has to wonder why.
It’s obvious that feminists hate the idea of motherhood. They’ve looked down on it for some time and consider dedicating your life to raising children to be beneath women. Large families are frowned upon by the social justice community and often looked at as either a waste of a woman’s time or selfishness if you ask some of them.
To me, it too often looks like jealousy of happiness that feminists refused to have. They’ve been told that they don’t need men and that children are a hurdle, not a blessing.
Thing is, children bring a kind of fulfillment, and refusing them, or even looking down on it, robs you of it. It’s not a lifestyle choice, it’s in our biological programming. One way or another you’re going to feel the absence.
I think feminists feel it more than they say they do.
We have to make space in our culture for their voices, and I see Lana Del Rey's frustration as similar to Phyllis Schlafly's. //
Ironically, feminism has turned the public square into a minefield that favors masculine qualities over the feminine, and makes many women more reluctant to share their voices rather than less.