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“If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation.” - Saladin
The internet gave us many things that changed the world forever but one of the negative aspects of it is the deluge of porn that hit humanity like a tidal wave. //
But despite any positive aspects they bring up about porn (you'd be surprised at how much porn drives technological innovation) the bottom line is that porn is a net negative on humanity. The effects it has on everything from our brain function to the commonality of some of the most heinous crimes are horrific. Yet, it's not often talked about, especially in mainstream circles, at least not negatively. //
In May 2014, a study in the prestigious journal JAMA Psychiatry was all over the news. It found that the more porn men reported watching, the less volume and activity they had in the regions of the brain—specifically the striatum—linked to reward processing and motivation. They also found that connectivity between the striatum and the prefrontal cortex (which is the part of the brain used for decision making, planning, and behavior regulation) weakened the more porn the men reported watching.
The researchers hypothesized that these differences might reflect change resulting from intense stimulation of the reward system.
Sending the message to women that they have to strip down to be empowered, just like telling women they have to get abortions to be successful, is the opposite of empowering. The former teaches that a woman’s worth is tied to her body; the latter teaches women to hate the beautiful functions their bodies are designed to do.
Maybe the reason the “naked” dress seems so tired and boring is that our culture is turning sex into something tired and boring. Our casual irreverence for sex devalues it, leaving little boys to think that the consumption of pornography is a normal and healthy behavior and leaving little girls to think they can solve the challenges of puberty by simply becoming boys. It’s no coincidence that, in a culture where sexual gratification is more accessible than ever, young people are having less of it.
As with a naked culture — Burke might say our “decent drapery of life” has been “rudely torn off” — so with “naked” dresses. In a society that hides nothing, exposing everything isn’t interesting.
Emily Jashinsky @emilyjashinsky
"The current surplus of exposed flesh in the public realm has led to a devaluation of women and, paradoxically, to sexual ennui." -Camille Paglia
adidas @adidas
Replying to @goldilocksrocks
We want to celebrate bodies in all their glory and proudly showcase how different we all are 🙌
4:14 PM · Feb 9, 2022
Excess nudity has erased the beauty in modesty, desensitizing sexual desires of a public to whom the naked body has lost its fascination. There’s a distinct difference between being a prude and acknowledging the pendulum has swung too far.
BREAKING: UNICEF says any efforts to block children from accessing pornography online might infringe on their human rights
UNICEF Report Says Pornography Not Always Harmful to Children - C-Fam
Ever since its launch in 2010, as reported by The New York Post, Instagram has forbidden any child under the age of 13 from using the app. But now, Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, which bought the social media platform in 2012, is reportedly developing an Instagram 2.0 app that specifically targets kids under that age threshold. //
“But don’t worry, folks, the new Insta will be run by parents. Considering the average parent is exhausted and overworked, claiming they have just 32 minutes to themselves every day, the idea that this new app will be continuously monitored by moms and dads is laughable.
“Furthermore, underage children are already getting onto social media without their parents’ consent. Today, the majority of young children own a cellphone by the age of 7, and most children develop habits by the age of 9 — and the results are sometimes disastrous. //
Instagram has proved to be even worse when it comes to young kids, Ghlionn said, noting that “Insta” — as Instagram groupies like to call it — is the most popular site for child predators. The following is disgusting, gang. (emphasis, mine)
“Instagram’s plans to recruit a younger audience is especially worrying, considering it is one of the most popular sites for child predators. In 2019, an international group of human rights NGOs called Instagram a ‘predator’s paradise.’
“According to one report, members of the group ‘compiled an alarming dossier of grooming-style behaviors on the popular social media platform.’
“The researchers “discovered hundreds of predatory comments from men describing sexual acts they wanted to perform on underage girls, some as young as 7.” //
“When we think of evil, we tend to think of men in balaclavas, armed with weapons, moving quietly through the dead of night.
“However, some of the worst ideas are in plain sight, and some of the worst people are in positions of power. They lobby politicians and play major roles in drafting legislation.
“This is the banality of evil in its purest form, and Mark Zuckerberg is its poster boy.”