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You’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase, “They breed like rabbits!” and it’s a phrase that reflects the prolific ability for rabbits to reproduce frequently, and easily.
If you are planning on starting a small rabbitry, breeding rabbits will be at the forefront of your operation. So, knowing how to produce a healthy litter from a healthy doe, is essential to your operation.
If you are looking to raise a reliable meat source, then look no further than rabbits.
They may seem small, but because they reproduce so quickly one rabbit can give anywhere from 125 pounds to 250 pounds of meat per year (depending on how frequently the doe is bred and how many kits per litter.)
There is much to learn about raising rabbits for meat, but they are a perfect fit for any size homestead.
Other than as a pet, rabbits are one of the best animals to raise for meat because they’re a sustainable meat source. Even though they’re not as popular as chickens, but meat production is comparable.
In fact, one pair of rabbits can produce more than 300lbs of meat per year!
That is pretty amazing considering they take very little to feed and don’t require a lot of space, it makes them a viable meat source for really anyone. You could live in the suburbs and still raise meat rabbits.
To start raising rabbits, first, you need a hutch.
If you prefer to build a rabbit hutch or cage by yourself, you’ve come to the right place. We have collected 50 DIY rabbit hutch plans from all over the internet.