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Dr. Eli David
Fact check:
🔹 2% of @elonmusk's wealth is $6B
🔹 In 2020 the UN World Food Program (WFP) raised $8.4B. How come it didn't "solve world hunger"?
11:50 AM · Oct 30, 2021
Elon Musk
Oct 31, 2021
Replying to @DrEliDavid
If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it.
Elon Musk
But it must be open source accounting, so the public sees precisely how the money is spent.
9:55 AM · Oct 31, 2021 //
Beasley would later respond with his own tweet.
“With your help we can bring hope, build stability and change the future. Let’s talk: It isn’t as complicated as Falcon Heavy, but too much at stake to not at least have a conversation. I can be on the next flight to you. Throw me out if you don’t like what you hear!” said Beasley.
Firstly, it’s interesting that Musk specifically asked Beasley to provide him the plan in an open Twitter thread and he refused to, wanting to meet privately instead. Secondly, it’s highly unlikely that Beasley could actually come up with a plan that utilizes Musk’s money in such a way that wouldn’t look bad to the general public. //
Handing someone a meal and medicine is great, but once they eat that meal they’ll soon need another.
Infrastructure changes, national politics, and the environment all play a role in the solving of world hunger, and it’s highly unlikely that six billion dollars are going to solve it. It’s even more unlikely that the United Nations is going to solve this problem, especially given their bloat. //
an hour ago
As usual, the UN doofus has it backwards, now if the UN gave Elon Musk the 6 billion and the command and control of the feed the hungry aid structure, things would improve for everyone but the bureaucracy.
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