5333 private links
Democrats and media keep insisting that absentee ballots and mail-in voting don’t contribute to voter fraud — but a mayoral election in Connecticut could blow a big hole in that dubious claim.
“I think the objective was ensuring that DOJ would not prosecute Hunter Biden now, or in the future, for a wide swath of offenses relating to what I consider to be, you know, a broad international criminal conspiracy,” Scharf said.
“That’s FARA, influence peddling, the money laundering, the whole story,” he said. “It appears that they were trying to shoehorn that non-prosecution or immunity agreement into this case.”
Scharf said he executed hundreds of diversion agreements as a federal prosecutor. Yet, in his experience, training, or education, he had never heard of an agreement structured as Biden’s was.
The Biden agreement included language that gave Biden broad immunities from future prosecutions—language typically found in the plea deal, the graduate of Harvard Law School said.
While plea deals are public and approved by judges, diversion agreements are private and outside the purview of the courts, he said.
Both Weiss and the defense team had to understand there was a public perception problem, so they buried the non-prosecution language into the diversion agreement and then referred to the diversion agreement in the plea agreement, he said.
He said that by linking the two agreements, they attempted to get the judge’s backdoor approval of the non-public non-prosecution language.
“In the diversion agreement, they refer back to all the facts in the plea such that prosecuting Hunter would be impossible as long as he didn’t break the conditions of his probation in that diversion agreement,” Scharf said.
“If I’m not explaining it well, I apologize. It’s the strangest thing I’ve ever seen,” he said.
This is why Noreika balked at a constitutional problem because the linkage made the judge the arbiter of Biden’s conduct, not the Justice Department, he said. In that way, the judiciary branch would assume an executive branch function—an innovation the judge was not ready to validate. //
38 minutes ago
Judge Noreika performed masterfully at the hearing. She was presented at the last minute with a "pardon for anything and everything" clause buried in a diversion agreement she was not allowed to reject. First of all, she found it. Second, her questioning at the hearing maneuvered Weiss into a statement the Biden team could not accept. This nullified the agreement in fact, so Judge Noreika could send them back to the drawing board. Game, set, match. Brilliant!
As for "Legendary Lowell", have fun! He is dealing with a judge that is thoroughly PO'd at the Biden team of shysters after they lied to her clerk and then tried to blame the grift on the clerk. He is just icing on the cake, particularly after attacking the prosecutor in open court. Some "Legendary Lawyer". Alligator mouth and hummingbird brain. Judge Noreika has already shut down all communication between her court and the "Legendary" Biden team except through her in person. That will speed things up! It will also mean that the person on the other end of the phone when the Biden team calls is on to their game and her attitude will range the full span from ticked off to p**sed off. I just wish I could be an observer in the corner - I would pay admission.
Oversight Committee
Replying to @GOPoversight
We have now established a network of over 20 companies formed by the Bidens and their associates.
Most of these companies were LLCs and formed when Joe Biden was Vice President.
Oversight Committee
Based on the financial records we have obtained via bank subpoenas, we can now confidently trace at least $10 million in total from foreign nationals’ and their related companies going to the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies.
9:16 AM · May 10, 2023
Oversight Committee
May 10
Replying to @GOPoversight
The Bidens took steps to hide, confuse, and conceal payments they received from foreign nationals. Here’s one example how a CCP-linked associate layered domestic limited liability companies to pay Hunter Biden.
Oversight Committee
Multiple Biden family members received money from the Chinese after it passed through an associate’s account. Additionally, Hunter Biden received money directly into his company’s account from a Chinese-controlled entity.
9:21 AM · May 10, 2023
“Biden strong-arms Burisma into hiring his druggie son and next month Hunter opens up an offshore account in Malta with a bank that’s so dirty, it got shut down for money laundering.”
8:45 PM · Jun 19, 2023 //
Sen. Ron Johnson reacted to the news this way.
‘No one should find this latest revelation surprising,’ he told DailyMail.com.
‘The Bidens knew exactly the type of people they needed to deal with – alleged money launderers like Patrick Ho, Mykola Zlochevsky, and now, allegedly, Mr. Pillow. The question now is what did the FBI know, when did they know it, and what did they do about it?’
Unfortunately, Bouldin is one of many individuals who have been targeted driving through Seward County. In fact, the county has raked in $7.5 million over the past five years: //
Officers typically take their ill-gotten gains by pressuring motorists to sign a form indicating that the civilian is willingly giving up their money or property to law enforcement. They do so under the threat of being taken to prison and charged with felonies. In essence, the officer offers to let them go in exchange for taking the money they confiscate as payment.
Does this not sound like a government official requesting a bribe? //
The Original John Doe
12 hours ago edited
"For those unaware, civil asset forfeiture is a legal process..."
Civil forfeiture was ruled legal by SCOTUS in the 1840's in HARMONY v. UNITED STATES. In that case Justice Joseph Story wrote:
"vessel which commits the aggression is treated as the offender, as the guilty instrument or thing to which the forfeiture attaches, without any reference whatsoever to the character or conduct of the owner. [The seizure of the ship is justified by] the necessity of the case, as the only adequate means of suppressing the offense or wrong, or insuring an indemnity to the injured party."
Civil forfeiture was supposed to be used only in those cases where getting hold of the person was impossible. The federal and state governments have been abusing it ever since.
In 2017, Justice Clarence Thomas denied certiorari (refused to hear the case) in LEONARD v. TEXAS on technical grounds but he wrote at the end of his opinion the following:
"Whether this Court’s treatment of the broad modern forfeiture practice can be justified by the narrow historical one is certainly worthy of consideration in greater detail."
Then on on April 17, 2023 the court agreed to review "CULLEY v. MARSHALL" which is a civil asset forfeiture case against the state Alabama who seized a car because the driver was in possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. However the car did not even belong to the driver. It belonged to his mother.
Maybe the new conservative SCOTUS will finally put some limits on civil asset forfeiture. //
It was another one of those laws that supposedly had only the best of intentions, ignoring that it is always those with bad intentions who will always find a way to twist and abuse it.
And that is why less gov't is best gov't.
The million-dollar question for 2024 contenders is: How will you win the general election under the present voting system? //
An inability to answer this question clearly, compellingly, and convincingly imperils Republican odds of retaking the White House, no matter how favorable their prospects might look come next November. It is incumbent on anyone who wants to earn the Republican presidential nomination to answer this question at the outset, and to operate accordingly.
Over the last two election cycles, Republicans lost in historically aberrant if not unprecedented ways. That, or they underachieved relative to what conditions on the ground would have suggested. Political analysts have pointed to numerous factors to explain why the results broke the way they did, but perhaps the one constant in the presidential and midterm elections was that they were both held under a radically transformed voting system. //
“Zuckerbucks” continue to loom over our contests as well, despite bans in many states. The left is doing everything it can to steer private money toward public election administration — administration done in conjunction with left-wing nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) seemingly targeting the Democrat ballots needed to win.
The Biden administration is working to leverage federal agencies to mobilize presumed Democrat voters as well — also potentially in conjunction with the same NGOs — under a March 2021 executive order, “Promoting Access to Voting,” that has remained shrouded in mystery as the bureaucracy stonewalls over inquiries about its implementation. //
Lawfare is also now an integral part of our election system. Republicans have started to devote significantly greater attention and resources to the litigation game, but to catch up to Democrats will require a long-term, sustained effort, backed with real money. And filing suit over election policies and practices after votes have already been cast of course has proven a losing proposition, //
Meanwhile, Democrats have engaged in efforts to ruin the lives of Republican election lawyers — in their own words to “make them toxic in their communities and in their firms” — seeking to kneecap their competition before it ever reaches the courtroom. //
At minimum, this thought exercise would yield critical insights, and instill in voters and donors alike confidence there is a robust and coherent operation in place to maximize the odds for success.
The planning must begin now.
Only by competing and winning under a rotten system rewarding the kind of organizing and action historically anathema to conservatives will there ever be an opportunity to dismantle that system.
More important to America’s future than unearthing Biden family corruption is uncovering corrupt bureaucrats who violate the rule of law. //
Yes, the CHS’s allegations offer more evidence of a Biden family pay-to-play scandal, and unraveling any criminal conduct by the Biden family remains important. But more significant to the future of our country is uncovering government actors responsible for violating the rule of law: America can survive select injustices, but it cannot withstand a corrupt bureaucracy that obstructs justice and interferes in elections. //
Not only does this evidence suggest FBI headquarters obstructed justice, but the date of the CHS’s report indicates those responsible for misbranding the intel as disinformation sought to interfere in the 2020 election. //
In contrast, when the bureau received a vague tip from an Australian diplomat of unknown veracity that a low-level Trump volunteer had claimed the Russians possessed dirt on Hillary Clinton, within days FBI headquarters opened an investigation into the Trump campaign.
The fruits of this process were what one would expect. Previously, the Michigan legislature apportioned its districts to account for existing county and municipal boundaries, producing legislative districts tied to real communities. At the behest of their “experts,” commissioners did away with this precedent, sacrificing the integrity of rural communities to prop up the population figures of majority Democratic districts in the name of “partisan fairness.” Unsurprisingly, Michigan Democrats flipped the state legislature and captured a majority of congressional seats during the 2022 midterms. //
Promote the Vote also received $10 million from the aforementioned Sixteen Thirty Fund. The initiative constitutionalized early and absentee voting, mandated state-funded ballot drop boxes, and permitted the private takeover of election operations.
The left’s interest in promoting absentee voting and drop boxes and their connection with ballot harvesting is by now well documented. More troubling is the initiative’s permanent establishment of private funding for election administration. //
The strategy of big liberal dark money in propping up VNP in Michigan is obvious: Destroy the viability of GOP candidates and resecure the state’s position in the “blue wall.” To accomplish this goal, use the initiative loophole and millions of out-of-state dark money under the guise of a “nonpartisan grassroots coalition” to circumvent the existing legislative body and dupe voters into delivering their redistricting process into the hands of leftist academics. Then, use the same tactic to achieve additional electoral reforms, protected from repeal by the state Constitution, solidifying a structural advantage for Democrats in the state’s legislature and congressional delegation. //
VNP’s success in Michigan is a stark warning of how the left is finding new ways to destroy whatever remains of our constitutional order. It is a strategy that can, is, and will be replicated nationwide. Welcome to the age of “nonpartisan” politics.
an hour ago edited
Paxton ran for the AG job in 2014. He eventually defeated TX Representative Dan Branch in the Republican primary. Dan Branch was a very powerful, very connected, and very wealthy member of the TX Legislature. I went to college with Dan Branch. He's a charming and outgoing guy. In some ways he kinda reminds me of Greg Marmalard from "Animal House". NTTAWWT. Branch is a senior partner in a big Dallas law firm with a nice family, most likely a cat, a faithful dog, and an immaculately manicured lawn. Branch and his friends in the TX Legislature were VERY unhappy with losing.
As soon as the primary was over, uncounted allegations on various issues immediately emerged against Paxton and more have surfaced ever since. They went after him on everything from securities fraud, to mopery with intent to loiter, to spreading the freakin' heartbreak of psoriasis, to lying, to alowing his feet to stink, to not lovin' Jesus.
As much as I dislike the slimy games being played here...the Return On Investment (ROI) with Paxton just might not provide a sufficient value with the 2024 election coming up fast. I don't like giving in to the kind of sleazy politics being played here. It's unfair and unjust. But the heavy hitters around Phelan have been working 24/7/365 since 2014 to get rid of Paxton...and it looks like Phelen has Paxton this time. Even though he just won re-election, I'm not sure Paxton is a hill worth politically dying on.
Like you say: "Texas can’t afford to have an attorney general at war with his own party. The Texas GOP can’t afford to go into the 2024 election with seriously wounded Ken Paxton on the ballot."
South Africa is heading into the southern hemisphere winter with the prospect of the country's worst-ever power cuts - up to 16 hours a day. The roots of the problem lie in poor management, corruption and sabotage.
Short presentational grey line
Late one Thursday afternoon, last November, a maintenance contractor reached his hand under a huge rotating shaft at an ageing power station in South Africa.
It took the man just a few seconds to unscrew a steel plug, smaller than a coffee mug.
As he moved away from the scene, precious lubrication oil quickly began seeping from the innards of the shaft. The steel bearings inside overheated and before long the coal mill, and with it one of the station's eight turbines, ground to a sudden, and expensive, halt.
What is certain is that the sabotage at Unit 4 was not an isolated event.
Instead, it was one relatively small act in a vast, ongoing, and highly successful criminal enterprise that involves murders, poisoning, fires, cable theft, ruthless cartels and powerful politicians.
It is an enterprise that risks derailing international attempts to nudge South Africa away from its dependence on coal and towards renewable energy sources. //
At major road junctions across the nation, unemployed and homeless men now earn a few rand from drivers in exchange for directing cars when the traffic lights are off.
The image of people in luxury vehicles tossing coins to beggars for helping them navigate the country's failing infrastructure seems like a fitting metaphor for the current struggles facing this deeply unequal society.
Monday’s special counsel report detailed extensive evidence of Department of Justice and FBI misconduct concerning the launch and handling of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, and equally overwhelming proof of partisan motives and double standards. While the facts are critical of both the bureau and the DOJ, more scandalous is John Durham’s conclusion that the inexcusable targeting of a political opponent cannot be prevented absent a curing of the corrupted hearts and minds of law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
Durham’s 306-page report opened with an executive summary capsulizing the results of the special counsel’s four-year investigation into the intelligence activities and investigations arising out of the 2016 presidential campaigns. While calling the findings “sobering,” and previewing the widespread misconduct on which the body of the report elaborated, Durham’s introductory comments emphasized he “does not recommend any wholesale changes in the guidelines and policies.”
It is here that Durham made his damning indictment of the DOJ and the FBI when he stressed that “the answer is not the creation of new rules but a renewed fidelity to the old.” Ultimately, he continued, justice “comes down to the integrity of the people who take an oath to follow the guidelines.” And “the promulgation of additional rules and regulations to be learned in yet more training sessions would likely prove to be a fruitless exercise if the FBI’s guiding principles of ‘Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity’ are not engrained in the hearts and minds of those sworn to meet the FBI’ s mission of ‘Protect[ing] the American People and Uphold[ing] the Constitution of the United States.’” //
For all the misconduct the special counsel exposed, it was [Pres. Gerald Ford's Attorney General] Levi’s warning that Durham left us. And that, I fear, is the most significant revelation to come from the investigation: that after four years of inspecting the underbelly of the FBI, Durham saw a creature reminiscent of the one running wild under Nixon.
Yesterday in these pages Margot Cleveland rightly noted that the most damning finding in the 306-page report from Special Counsel John Durham is not necessarily the FBI’s scandalous Crossfire Hurricane investigation of the Trump campaign in 2016, but that the egregious abuses of power detailed in the report cannot be remedied “absent a curing of the corrupted hearts and minds of law enforcement and intelligence agencies.”
For all the FBI’s blatant partisanship, its disregard of exculpatory evidence, and its outright deception to secure FISA warrants on Trump campaign associates, writes Cleveland, “what should terrify the country is not the catalog of malfeasance the special counsel recited — for mistakes and even gross failures can be corrected — but that Durham warned of corrupted hearts and minds, unfaithful to the people and their Constitution.”
For his part, Durham didn’t recommend any changes to FBI guidelines or policies, because no amount of reform will be sufficient if the people in charge feel free to disregard guidelines and policies whenever they see fit to do so. As such, wrote Durham, “the answer is not the creation of new rules but a renewed fidelity to the old. The promulgation of additional rules and regulations to be learned in yet more training sessions would likely prove to be a fruitless exercise if the FBI’s guiding principles of ‘Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity’ are not engrained in the hearts and minds of those sworn to meet the FBI’s mission of ‘Protect[ing] the American People and uphold[ing] the Constitution of the United States.’” //
That people like former CIA Director John Brennan and former FBI Director James Comey, along with the entire cast of villains and liars in the Durham report, rose to positions of such power, and then proceeded to abuse that power by arrogating to themselves the right to decide who should be president — a right that belongs solely to the American people — says something about the state of our republic.
What it says is this: We have produced, and are still producing, a totally corrupt elite bereft of any sense of “Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity,” to say nothing of moral virtue or the common good.
Put bluntly, an elite like that makes self-government in a republic of free citizens impossible. It also means that the elite will work to corrupt ordinary Americans, eroding their respect for the rule of law and fidelity to the Constitution. As the elites go, so eventually the entire country goes.
Seen in this light, the Durham report should be understood as a dire warning about the fate of our country. John Adams issued a similar warning when he penned his famous line, that “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” George Washington did the same in his farewell address when he said, “’Tis substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government.” //
The founders knew what we seem to have forgotten: Without a virtuous people, without citizens and leaders who believe in objective moral truth and understand themselves to be bound by it, we cannot be a free people, and we cannot sustain a republic. Laws alone, to say nothing of guidelines and policies, are not enough to support and sustain self-government. You need citizens who will respect and uphold the law, and leaders who actually believe in the principle of self-government — something our current crop of leaders clearly rejects.
Without a morally virtuous citizenry, the founders also knew we would eventually become a society not of free men and women, but of slaves to a tyrannical regime. That’s the real warning embedded in the Durham report. The corruption of the FBI, the CIA, and the entire federal intelligence community, which led to the Russia-collusion hoax and almost took down Trump’s campaign, and then his presidency, cannot be fixed with new rules and policies. It’s a moral failing, moral corruption, and it can only be fixed by a spiritual renewal in America, by a return to — let’s be honest — a civic culture shaped and guided by Christian moral virtue.
Durham uncovered several red flags that should have dissuaded the FBI from opening its ‘seriously flawed’ Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
Among the highlights was that they had absolutely nothing to justify going after the Trump campaign on Russia collusion. They had no information that the Trump campaign had been in contact with any Russian officials. They could not corroborate anything claimed in the Steele Dossier. Peter Strzok was essentially telling a London FBI employee that “there’s nothing to this.”
“Again, the FBI’s failure to critically analyze information that ran counter to the narrative of a Trump/Russia collusive relationship exhibited throughout Crossfire Hurricane is extremely troublesome,” the report said.
On top of that, the Report then took on who knew what when in pushing this story against the Trump team. It notes that the Clinton campaign plan to link Trump to Russia was known to the CIA and was briefed by CIA Director John Brennan to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, AG Loretta Lynch, and FBI Director James Comey. //
Mike Lee @BasedMikeLee
🧵 1. The gravity of the misconduct uncovered by Mr. Durham cannot be overstated.
Durham report sharply criticizes FBI’s 2016 probe of Trump campaign
The LEAST one can say of it is that it involved a malicious use of federal law-enforcement officers to conduct a contrived investigation utterly lacking any valid, factual foundation from the very beginning. That is itself incredibly troubling—and also unconstitutional.
But this was SO MUCH WORSE than that. It was an effort to use use a powerful, long-respected, federal law-enforcement agency to render a presidential candidate unelectable—entirely in the absence of any valid, good-faith basis for doing so.
So make no mistake—this can’t be dismissed as mere carelessness or even a severe example of garden-variety misconduct. No—this is as corrupt and as subversive of the Constitution as it gets.
Regardless of your political leanings or your feelings about Donald Trump, you should find this terrifying.
When federal law-enforcement agencies can undertake such a brazen effort to frame someone they don’t like to throw the outcome of an election—and then remain largely protected for seven years thereafter—popular sovereignty in America is under serious attack. //
The top line of the Durham report is incredibly simple. Namely, there was zero evidentiary basis for the FBI to pursue what would become Crossfire Hurricane, the infamous Trump-Russia investigation that was headed up by disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok. There was no hook, no justification, and no excuse for continuing to hound Trump throughout not only his 2016 candidacy but years into his presidency as well.
Despite knowing there was nothing to investigate, he FBI continued to push forward anyway until eventually, former FBI Director James Comey and the rest of his underlings got what they wanted: The Robert Mueller special counsel.
That was always the end goal. To ensure that Trump, even after he was elected and it became obvious no evidence of collusion existed, would be hobbled by an intrusive, headline-producing special counsel. In the end, the FBI succeeded in its quest. //
this was always about electoral interference. That was the goal from the word go, to diminish the Trump administration to the point that winning re-election in 2020 would be nearly impossible.
The sudden rise of well-funded election activist nonprofits represents a paradigm shift away from persuading and motivating voters, and toward manipulating the election process to benefit Democrats. //
Over the last several months, a growing number of Republicans, including Donald Trump himself, seem to be having a change of heart about universal mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.
While few Republicans are ready to completely abandon policies that support election integrity and transparency, more and more seem willing to follow the old adage “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” and suggest that Republicans become significantly more reliant on universal mail-in voting and ballot harvesting to win elections. There is no worse idea in politics today.
Conservatives do not have the institutional or financial support to match Democrats in election activism and ballot harvesting, nor are they likely to be able to any time in the near future. The advantages Democrats have accrued over the last 20 years in election manipulation and “lawfare” are nearly insurmountable.
But this is not necessarily a portent of gloom and doom. The growing number of ultra-left Democratic candidates are deeply unpopular and would be unelectable outside deep-blue areas under the election norms that prevailed prior to the Covid-19 lockdowns and the 2020 presidential election. //
Republicans need to better understand the vast institutional power that is arrayed against them on the left in the form of lavishly funded 501(c)(3) nonprofits and charitable foundations, along with legions of election lawyers, data analysts, and election activists.
Steven Nelson
"Hunter Biden does not concede in his lawsuit that he dropped off the laptop, received an invoice or neglected to pick it up. In response to such claims by Mac Isaac, the filing states, 'Mr. Biden is without knowledge sufficient to admit or deny the allegations.'"
Matt Viser
NEW: Hunter Biden sues laptop repair shop owner, citing invasion of privacy. The lawsuit, a counter-move against John Paul Mac Isaac, escalates the battle over how provocative data and images of the president’s son were obtained five years ago. My latest: https://washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/03/17/hunter-biden-lawsuit-computer-repairman/
9:56 AM · Mar 17, 2023
Andrew Kerr
Hunter has done plenty of media interviews since 2020. It's beyond me why no reporter has shoved a copy of this signed invoice in Hunter's face and asked him if it's legit.
10:50 AM · Mar 17, 2023 //
As to the legal merits, a court will ultimately decide, but having owned a computer repair business at one point, I can say that 90-day pickup periods are common. Usually, after that point, the piece of hardware becomes the property of the shop so they can monetize it for payment. Typically that comes in the form of selling the physical equipment involved. In this case, the shop owner tried to give the incriminating data to the FBI, but the FBI appears to have buried it.
There is a certain point in time when a piece of property is considered abandoned. That looks like what happened here, and Hunter Biden’s flailing will likely fail.
Democrats are using tax-exempt and allegedly nonpartisan nonprofits to conduct voter registration campaigns targeting likely-Democrat voters in key battleground states. //
Released by Restoration of America, the two–part report unveils how Democrats employ tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofits to administer voter registration campaigns targeting likely-Democrat voters in key battleground states and districts. Notably, federal law expressly prohibits partisan voter registration through nonprofits: “voter education or registration activities conducted in a biased manner that favors [sic] (or opposes [sic]) one or more candidates is prohibited.”b//
“The challenge is to have state courts hold that 501(c)(3) funds can’t be used for voter registration of targeted progressive demographic groups,” he told report author Hayden Ludwig. That often includes “urban residents or students.”
“The Internal Revenue Service has stated such funds can’t be used directly or indirectly for biased voter registration. But there is no authorization for suing in federal courts. So, the only remaining choice is taxpayer standing lawsuits in state courts—which is good enough,” Kaardal said. “But eventually the U.S. Supreme Court will have to rule whether urban cities and public universities can lawfully use 501(c)(3) funds for the political purpose identified: voter registration campaigns targeted to progressive voters.” //
Whether it’s skirting federal law or injecting partisan money into election offices, Democrats will stop at nothing in their bid to rig elections in their favor. That means it’s incumbent upon Republicans to wake up and completely revamp their game plan for winning elections, including by exposing and prosecuting violations of election laws.
When Sheriff’s deputies in San Joaquin County, CA began investigating Samir Khan regarding an illegal internet gambling operation, they had no idea that they’d ultimately stumble into an election fraud scheme with major implications throughout California and possibly nationwide. A search warrant executed at Khan’s home in the fall of 2020 revealed a stash of 41 completed mail ballots that were not Khan’s, and over the next two years Khan registered approximately 70 people to vote at his address, with his contact information, some of whom are not US citizens and do not live in the US, and cast ballots for them.
In addition, Khan re-registered California voters through the state’s online voter registration process who did not live in his district to his address (so they could vote for him), and listed his own phone number, and email address as the contact. That way any verification emails or calls would come to him. Through loopholes in the system, those registrations were validated and those ballots were mailed to Khan’s home and either he filled them out and returned them, or pressured the voters he’d re-registered to fill it out as he instructed them to, “one for me and one for Biden.” Khan also allegedly forged signatures on his candidate nomination papers to even get on the ballot. //
Some of the anomalies the concerned citizen pointed out to the Sheriff’s Department were shared at the press conference, and they are extremely concerning. This is just one county in California, and we know that there are other countries that are probably in much worse shape. And, how many other states have similar flaws in their voter registration system?
They noticed that there were about 93 people that were registered to vote…with a birth date of 1850. There were 232 people registered to vote with the address to our local prisons. There were 4,144 people that were 90 years old and older. There were 125 people on the voter rolls that were registered to – their address comes back to nonprofit NGO’s and different businesses.
There were approximately 300 people with no first name, just a last name….
There were 110 people that were possible double voters, basically the same name, date of birth, and address, but different voter ID numbers. //
8 minutes ago
Investigators provide a succinct summation of the fundamental problem with 2020 election “reforms”: Voter registration is an “honor system” and “once you’re on the voter rolls, anytime an election comes around, guess what? You get mailed a ballot…”
This is true of any state dumb enough to send automatic mail in ballots to all registered voters and can easily decide presidential, statewide, congressional, state assembly, and local elections.
According to the Washington Post, attorneys sent letters to the Department of Justice and the Delaware attorney general requesting investigations of several people who either accessed or disseminated information from the laptop that he allegedly dropped off at the computer repair shop in Delaware. //
This is all sort of quietly hilarious because at this point they’re more than a little late. You can’t lock the door after the horse has bolted out of the barn and that happened a long time ago. The laptop material is everywhere.
But on top of that, hasn’t the left been telling us this was Russian disinformation for two years? //
What about those 51 former intelligence community officials who told us they thought was Russian disinformation?
But let’s not forget Joe Biden himself pushing that. //
So now that the lawyers are claiming that somehow people accessed and disseminate private information, it sounds like they’re acknowledging it’s real and that’s pretty funny after all the prior comments.
WASHINGTON – Disgraced first son Hunter Biden lived off and on at the Delaware home where classified documents from Joe Biden’s time as vice president were found last month — giving him unrestricted access to America’s secrets while he was addicted to drugs, hammering out shady foreign business deals and under federal investigation.
The now-52-year-old began listing the Wilmington home as his address following his 2017 divorce from ex-wife Kathleen Buhle — even falsely claiming he owned the property on a July 2018 background check form as part of a rental application. //
Hunter also listed the home as the billing address for his personal credit card and Apple account in 2018 and 2019, respectively, Fox News Digital reported Friday after reviewing emails from his abandoned laptop.