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an hour ago edited
Paxton ran for the AG job in 2014. He eventually defeated TX Representative Dan Branch in the Republican primary. Dan Branch was a very powerful, very connected, and very wealthy member of the TX Legislature. I went to college with Dan Branch. He's a charming and outgoing guy. In some ways he kinda reminds me of Greg Marmalard from "Animal House". NTTAWWT. Branch is a senior partner in a big Dallas law firm with a nice family, most likely a cat, a faithful dog, and an immaculately manicured lawn. Branch and his friends in the TX Legislature were VERY unhappy with losing.
As soon as the primary was over, uncounted allegations on various issues immediately emerged against Paxton and more have surfaced ever since. They went after him on everything from securities fraud, to mopery with intent to loiter, to spreading the freakin' heartbreak of psoriasis, to lying, to alowing his feet to stink, to not lovin' Jesus.
As much as I dislike the slimy games being played here...the Return On Investment (ROI) with Paxton just might not provide a sufficient value with the 2024 election coming up fast. I don't like giving in to the kind of sleazy politics being played here. It's unfair and unjust. But the heavy hitters around Phelan have been working 24/7/365 since 2014 to get rid of Paxton...and it looks like Phelen has Paxton this time. Even though he just won re-election, I'm not sure Paxton is a hill worth politically dying on.
Like you say: "Texas can’t afford to have an attorney general at war with his own party. The Texas GOP can’t afford to go into the 2024 election with seriously wounded Ken Paxton on the ballot."