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Why do I loathe men who pretend to be women competing against women? Because I have always hated bullies.
We are in the midst of one of the most radical revolutions in American history. It is as far-reaching and dangerous as the turbulent years of the 1850s and 1860s or the 1930s.
Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault, including the very processes by which we govern ourselves, and the manner in which we live.
The Revolution began under the Obama administration that sought to divide Americans into oppressed and oppressors, and then substitute race for class victimization.
It was empowered by the bicoastal wealth accrued from globalization, and honed during the COVID lockdown, quarantine-fed economic downturn, and the George Floyd riots and their aftermath.
The Revolution was boosted by fanatic opposition to the presidency of Donald Trump.
And the result is an America that is unrecognizable from what it was a mere decade ago.
Here are 10 upheavals that the Left has successfully wrought.
We are in the midst of one of the most radical revolutions in American history. It is as far-reaching and dangerous as the turbulent years of the 1850s and 1860s or the 1930s.
Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault, including the very processes by which we govern ourselves, and the manner in which we live.
The Revolution began under the Obama administration that sought to divide Americans into oppressed and oppressors, and then substitute race for class victimization.
It was empowered by the bicoastal wealth accrued from globalization, and honed during the COVID lockdown, quarantine-fed economic downturn, and the George Floyd riots and their aftermath.
The Revolution was boosted by fanatic opposition to the presidency of Donald Trump.
And the result is an America that is unrecognizable from what it was a mere decade ago.
Here are 10 upheavals that the Left has successfully wrought.
The heterosexual male and female, marriage, and the nuclear family are all to be suspect. //
Sex, but not race, is constructed, and thus a matter not of biology but of individual choice.
Racial inequality and lack of parity are due to “whiteness.” //
Modern monetary theory proved that annual deficits and national debt are just a state accounting challenge.
So printing more money is an act that properly diminishes the value of existing capital improperly horded by parasitic profiteers.
Spreading the ensuing cash wealth to the more deserving and victimized is long overdue social justice. //
It is now heresy that universities should be places of disinterested inquiry and inductive investigation. //
None of the above was true at the millennium; all are now — with more still to come.
Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11
BREAKING: JP Morgan just downgraded Target's stock, after its longest losing streak in 23 years citing "too many concerns rising’.
Happy Pride Month Target!!
Elon Musk @elonmusk
Won’t be long before there are class-action lawsuits by shareholders against the company and board of directors for destruction of shareholder value
9:01 AM · Jun 2, 2023
Good Samaritans don’t stand by and do nothing while others are threatened and attacked. //
Law and order are prerequisites for any positive vision, conservative or liberal, for America. An ideology that disdains order disdains the good of the citizens it aspires to rule, and will constantly sabotage its own stated goals. //
It is oppressive and unjust when George Soros-funded district attorneys refuse to prosecute crimes. It is a violation of social justice when those in power allow rioters to run free and destroy homes and businesses. It is wicked of government officials to permit violent men to threaten, harass, and assault innocent citizens. Yes, governmental efforts to enforce order will always be flawed, as government employees are imperfect. We should keep a close eye on police and other agents of the state and strive for accountability. But civilization cannot exist without order, so of course people will cheer those private citizens who step up to try to protect order when the legal authorities have abdicated their responsibilities to maintain it. //
People have a right, and sometimes even a duty, to defend themselves and others, and they do not always have the luxury of carefully calibrating their response to the sensibilities of New York Times writers. Trying to restrain a violent, mentally ill man, or protect oneself against an armed mob, is necessarily risky and imprecise. Self-defense isn’t a video game. //
Loving our neighbors means protecting them against violence. And we should even seek the good of those who threaten or commit violence due to drug abuse and mental illness, which means treating their addictions and illnesses when possible and keeping them away from those whom they might harm. Thus, it was no kindness to allow Neely to degenerate into a violent man who randomly threatened and attacked people. //
Letting the mentally ill roam free while they decline into violent menaces to everyone else is unjust both to their victims and to them. Put simply, law and order are social justice, and so a left-liberalism that refuses to maintain order will rightly be rejected by voters, and its projects will be ruined.
Jesus did not tell the parable of the Good Samaritan to teach us to stand by and do nothing while others are threatened and attacked.
Last night’s Met Gala was infinitely more gut-wrenching.
This annual gathering in New York, where the world’s most privileged, pampered prima donnas indulge in an orgy of unctuous ostentatious extravagance, has grown increasingly nauseating in recent years as the rest of the planet fights killer viruses, war, and the worst cost-of-living crisis in memory. //
But they excelled themselves with the 2023 theme: “Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty.” And a dress code “in honor of Karl.”
Karl Lagerfeld was… to put it mildly… what all these woke warriors would categorize as ‘problematic’.
In fact, he was one of the most ‘problematic’ people in fashion history; damned by his own words as a racist, sexist, fattist, homophobic, abuse-tolerating, feminist-hating embodiment of everything this A-list crowd professes to most loathe. //
Famously, cockroaches can live for a week without their heads.
Their bodies still function without brains.
It was the perfect guest.
What Jimmy’s is doing is showing people how to handle radical activists. Give no apology, show no guilt, and be brutally hilarious in your response. Radical activists find their true power in the cowardice and compliance of their victims. When you don’t give anything, they look foolish and weak. //
No Neck Joe
2 hours ago
Years ago, I saw this sign in the window of a butcher shop: "Our cows are vegan so you don't have to be."
About three years ago I saw a PETA ad featuring a sheep captioned, "I am not a wool sweater." This is, as Sen. John Kennedy likes to say, stuck on stupid. Shearing is like a haircut.
The 29-year-old defected from North Korea as a young teen, only to be human-trafficked in China. In 2014, she became one of just 200 North Koreans to live in the United States — and, as of last year, is an American citizen.
Now, three years after she graduated from Columbia with a degree in human rights, Park is raising alarm bells about America’s cancel culture and woke ideology.
In her book “While Time Remains,” out February 14, Park writes how she made it all the way to the United States only to find some of the same encroachments on freedom that she thought she left behind in North Korea — from identity politics and victim mentality to elite hypocrisy.
“I escaped hell on earth and walked across the desert in search of freedom, and found it,” she writes. “I don’t want anything bad ever to happen to my new home … I want us — need us — to keep the darkness at bay.”
She implores readers: “I need your help to save our country, while time remains.” //
In the first five years of her life, an estimated 3.5 million North Koreans died of starvation. Park recalls hunting for cockroaches on the way to school to quell her hunger — even as the Kim’s regime banned the words “famine” and “hunger.”
Rather, this takes wokeness in children’s programming not just to another planet, but well into another universe. Jarring cuts with various questionable claims are interspersed with black children raising their fists and shouting “Slaves built this country!” over and over. That is then parlayed into a demand for financial reparations.
And we the descendants of slaves in America have earned reparations for their suffering and continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in a systemic predjudice, racism, and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for.
Slaves built this country.
In another section, it is asserted that Abraham Lincoln did not free the slaves and that “Emancipation is not freedom.” Other generalized claims include the idea that slavery made “your families” rich, a statement pointed at all white Americans, and that slavery built the banking and shipping industries.
There are several problems here, beginning with the fact that it’s just incredibly divisive and harmful to teach children eight generations removed from slavery that they are oppressed victims due to the suffering of their ancestors. Anyone who watches that clip and is impressionable is going to walk away thinking they have a right to be angry at and punish those that don’t look like them. //
It is a grossly inaccurate simplification of American history to teach kids that “Slaves built this country.” Slavery contributed to parts of the early economy in the United States, but it did not build the country into what it is today (or even what it was a hundred years ago).
Why? Because slavery is an evil, atrophying institution that stunts the growth of a nation instead of accelerating it. In the case of the United States, it locked generations of slaves and non-slaves alike in abject poverty. Slaves were obviously not paid while their forced labor then crushed the market for the labor of non-slaves. Compounding the situation, because most slaves weren’t allowed to be educated and the vast majority of non-slaves at the time were so poor they couldn’t afford to be, generations of advancement were lost across the board.
Slavery was not good. It had no redeeming qualities. It did not “build this country.” Instead, those who perpetrated it mired the country in place for decades for the benefit of a very select few. It wasn’t until after the Civil War and the abolition of slavery that the United States actually began its march to global dominance beginning with the industrial revolution.
Lastly, even if one wants to ignore everything I’ve just written, the “Slaves built this country” line also suffers from a math problem. There were a little over three million slaves in the United States in 1850 (the last pre-war census taken). In comparison. there were 23 million Americans in total. Non-slave-owning adults made up the vast majority of that number and almost all of them worked hard labor jobs in relative squalor, with the largest populations of people residing in non-slave states. In other words, they also “built this country,” and it does not downplay slavery to admit that context. //
an hour ago
slavery didn’t build this country, but it most certainly nearly destroyed it. Slaves were mostly used on plantations in the south, but slaves also existed in scattered areas of the north. The building and construction of this country was mostly done by paid laborers not slaves. The CRT notion of reparations is an appeal to the weak minds of carefully groomed people who have been raised up for such nonsense. Every single group of humans deserves reparations given past sins against their ancestors by someone - some more egregious than slavery. Take the American Indians, or native peoples anywhere where they were “colonized”. I think the Jews deserve reparations from the entire world over their treatment for 1000’s of years. What about the people in Spain and Southern France who had to live through the attack and enslavement by the Moors - do they not deserve reparations? Can any amount of payment wash clean anyone’s ancestors ‘sins” - of course not and their offspring are not guilty of their distant ancestors behaviors. This grab for reparations is simple a money grab based on the gene pool lottery, got some of them slave genes in ya - collect a payment. //
2 hours ago
This bit of revisionist history completely ignores millions of indentured servants who were effectively slaves except for having a time when they would gain their freedom.
Slavery was evil and our countries greatest sin. Our country was among the first to end it and helped end piracy worldwide to end slavery worldwide.
It was also practiced by every culture in human history except the Intuit in the arctic. Nobody has clean hands and her propaganda is nothing more than hate speech.
Free speech is not some right-wing reframing of whatever, it’s the foundation of Western civilization. Upon which this civilization is built and the alignment values that led to it.
“The only way to deal with the problem of racism is to treat people on the content of their character. And nothing else. And the fact that WOKE culture seeks to overturn that is a new form of racism that we must all oppose.” //
“[Climate Change will be decided] by poor people in Asia and Latin America who don’t care about saving the planet—because they’re poor.” //
“One-hundred-and-twenty million people in China do not have enough food. That means their immune system is breaking down because they do not have enough food.
“Where do you think Climate Change ranks in Xi Jinping’s list of priorities?
“You’re not going to get these people to stay poor. You’re not going to get them to not want to be richer.” //
Kisin even had the unmitigated gall to insist that there was only one solution to Climate Change.
“To make scientific and technological breakthroughs that will create the clean energy that is not only clean, but cheap.” //
“And the only thing that wokeness has to offer in exchange is to brainwash bright, young minds like you to believe that you are victims. To believe that you have no agency. To believe that what you must do to improve the world is to complain, is to protest. Is to throw soup on paintings,” he said.
The war on history has come for Thomas Jefferson.
On Monday, the New York City Council unanimously voted to remove a Jefferson statue from New York City Hall, though it hasn’t yet decided where to put it. The statue has been there for nearly a century and was originally created to celebrate religious liberty.
The effort to remove it met no resistance from Mayor Bill de Blasio. In fact, the whole thing was driven by the historical art commission he launched in 2017.
To get an idea of what this commission was about, the tomb of Ulysses S. Grant was under consideration for being labeled a “hate symbol.” //
Jefferson, whatever his personal foibles, was the author of the greatest anti-slavery document in modern history. The Declaration of Independence, which contains the famous line, “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal,” not only became a rallying cry to abolish slavery in America. It was an inspiration to anti-slavery movements around the globe.
Today, the institution of slavery has disappeared nearly everywhere, despite being with almost every human civilization through all human history.
Thank you, Mr. Jefferson. //
However, as much as has been purged, the entire movement is an indictment on the mob, the New York City Council, and the country’s ruling cultural elite, not Jefferson and the great men and ideas of our history.
It’s an indictment of the small-minded fanatics who’ve built and accomplished nothing other than tearing down the symbols of greater men, whose accomplishments were profound and transformative. //
We have to protect and build on our history. When a statue is torn down, build another one in another city in defiance. The only way the war on history ends is when Americans begin to put their foot down and say “no” to the absurd demands.
We need to go out and explain to our friends and neighbors why the ideas and people who built this country were great and worth defending, and why we should look to build on what they accomplished rather than reducing everything to rubble and hoping something good can emerge from the ashes.
The New York City Council may be tearing down statues. It’s our job to now start building more up and furthering the profound and true ideas that Jefferson stood for.
Threats against the judiciary did not come suddenly. The slouch toward selective law enforcement and politicized violence has a history. //
The violent bear it away. That title of Flannery O’Connor’s 1960 novel still resonates. Some relentless atavism is at work in our culture, a monstrous irrationality that awakens what O’Connor called “the stuff of which madmen and fanatics are made.” Violence, no longer shunned, is now an accepted political tool.
The attempted assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh—preceded by U.S Attorney General Merrick Garland’s refusal to enforce federal law against protesters at justices’ homes—exposed the fragile divide between constituted order and willed anarchy. In effect, the attorney general’s inaction acquiesced to mob intimidation and signaled a willingness to risk further lawlessness.
The descent into Third World-like threats against the judiciary did not come suddenly. The slouch toward selective law enforcement and politicized violence has a history. By whatever name we call it—wokeism nowadays—adversary culture has been loosening essential restraints for some six decades. Like the lifecycle of a parasite, the passion for repudiating established order mutates and reappears in successive stages. Today’s recurrence of the New Left virus keeps the inherited infection alive in a new generation of hosts. //
In “Notes on Nationalism” (1945) George Orwell wrote that the key to political judgments—who is guilty? who is the victim?—is apt to lie in the identities of the parties involved instead of in the nature of the wrongdoing: “Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them, and there is almost no kind of outrage … which does not change its moral when it is committed by ‘our side.’”
His comment was a counter ahead of time to Jean-Paul Sartre’s glorification of “Wretched of the Earth.” In his preface to Fanon’s text, Sartre spoke for the revolutionary side: “No gentleness can efface the marks of violence; only violence itself can destroy them.” He made a romance of it: “irrepressible violence” against a perceived enemy is “man recreating himself.” //
Frederic Kremer
19 days ago
It is a necessary condition for the victims to sanction the supposed morality of their destroyer in order for a culture such as ours to be swept into the library of failed cultures. Guilt is a powerful dis-arming tool. The intellectuals have led the charge to impose guilt, destroy defense and lay open the field to violence by convincing those susceptible to guilt that their destroyer is more moral than they themselves are.
Unfortunately Ben Franklin’s warning, though taken seriously by those who wanted to change from a republic to an elitist pretense of limited democracy, was not taken seriously by those who wanted a republic of limited democracy. The mob is fueled by their righteousness as they swallowed it from the vomit of the intellectuals. The citizens who made possible the environment the mob operates in is without intellectual heroes and like Achilles, hobbled.
Our politicians, with rare exceptions, are most assuredly products of the culture and totally without capability to protect a limited democracy. Heck, they would not even understand the concept. They are the last persons to correct this slide into violence, they are encouraging it. They too will eventually be on the receiving end. So, my question is: why wait? Where is the decency in giving your executioner time and resources to prepare for your slaughter? As Bonnie Tyler put it: where have all the good men gone?
If you are a Common Sense reader, you are by now highly aware of the phenomenon of institutional capture. From the start, we have covered the ongoing saga of how America’s most important institutions have been transformed by an illiberal ideology—and have come to betray their own missions.
Medicine. Hollywood. Education. The reason we exist is because of the takeover of newspapers like The New York Times.
Ok, so we’ve lost a lot. A whole lot. But at least we haven’t lost the law. That’s how we comforted ourselves. The law would be the bulwark against this nonsense. The rest we could work on building anew.
But what if the country’s legal system was changing just like everything else?
Today, Aaron Sibarium, a reporter who has consistently been ahead of the pack on this beat, offers a groundbreaking piece on how the legal system in America, as one prominent liberal scholar put it, is at risk of becoming “a totalitarian nightmare.”
This is a long feature on a subject we think deserves your time. //
That lawyers could be tainted by representing unpopular clients was hardly news. But in times past, lawyers worried about the public—not other lawyers. Defending communists, terrorists, and cop killers had never been a crowd pleaser, but that’s what lawyers had to do sometimes: Defend people who were hated.
When congressional Republicans attacked attorneys for representing Guantanamo detainees, for example, the entire profession rallied around them. The American Civil Liberties Union noted that John Adams took pride in representing British soldiers accused of taking part in the Boston Massacre, calling it “one of the best pieces of service I ever rendered to my country.”
But that’s not how the new associates saw Boies’s choice to represent Weinstein. They thought there were certain people you just did not represent—people so hateful and reprehensible that helping them made you complicit. The partners, the old-timers—pretty much everyone over 50—found this unbelievable. That wasn’t the law as they had known it. That wasn’t America.
“The idea that guilty people shouldn’t get lawyers attacks the legal system at its root,” Andrew Koppelman, a prominent liberal scholar of constitutional law at Northwestern University, said. “People will ask: ‘How can you represent someone who’s guilty?’ The answer is that a society where accused people don’t get a defense as a matter of course is a society you don’t want to live in. It’s a totalitarian nightmare.” //
All of sudden, critical race theory was more than mainstream in America’s law schools. It was mandatory.
Starting this Fall, Georgetown Law School will require all students to take a class “on the importance of questioning the law’s neutrality” and assessing its “differential effects on subordinated groups,” according to university documents obtained by Common Sense. //
As of last month, the American Bar Association is requiring all accredited law schools to “provide education to law students on bias, cross-cultural competency, and racism,” both at the start of law school and “at least once again before graduation.” That’s in addition to a mandatory legal ethics class, which must now instruct students that they have a duty as lawyers to “eliminate racism.” (The American Bar Association, which accredits almost every law school in the United States, voted 348 to 17 to adopt the new standard.) //
Stith, the professor who was lambasted for telling students to “grow up,” doesn’t see the pile-on as an isolated incident.
“Law schools are in crisis,” she told me. “The truth doesn’t matter much. The game is to signal one’s virtue.” //
“That’s hugely corrosive,” said a corporate lawyer in Virginia, who, like most attorneys contacted for this article, would not go on the record for fear of losing his job. “You see it in all of the worst things we see in Donald Trump. ‘The law means what I say it means. The election was stolen because I lost.’ Once you depart from the idea that we’re all people under the law, it really matters who is in power. That starts to feel like the rule of man, not the rule of law.” //
The problem, Strossen said, is that rights mean nothing without representation. “ANYONE who doesn’t have access to counsel in defending a right, as a practical matter, doesn’t have a meaningful opportunity to exercise that right,” the former ACLU chief told me in an email. “Hence, undermining representation for any unpopular speaker or idea endangers freedom for ANY speaker or idea, because the tides of popularity are constantly shifting.”
Ken Starr, the former solicitor general who led the 1998 investigation of Bill Clinton, agreed. “At a time when fundamental freedoms are under assault around the globe, it is all the more imperative that American lawyers boldly stand up for the rule of law,” Starr said. “In our country, that includes—especially now—the representation of controversial causes and unpopular clients //
Then there’s the erosion of the principle that one is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. “The Anti-Innocence Project,” one criminal-defense attorney in San Francisco joked.
Progressive lawyers have become more determined to turn a blind eye to certain defendants while cracking down with even greater than usual fervor on certain crimes. “The same people who are anti-incarceration for some defendants will support life plus cancer for others,” said Scott Greenfield, a criminal-defense attorney in New York. “Good people—which in practice means blacks and Hispanics, regardless of what they did—should be free. Bad people—which in practice means sex offenders and financial criminals—should go to jail.”
In 2019, for example, the American Bar Association nearly passed a motion urging state legislatures and courts to adopt a new definition of “consent” in cases of sexual misconduct that would flip the burden of proof from the accuser to the accused—despite fierce criticism of the standard from legal scholars, and despite some evidence that it has unfairly hurt black, male students on college campuses
The idea that Anne Frank was a recipient of “white privilege” is so insane as to seem like parody, but I can assure you that the left is full of people who think like this. In fact, you may recall “The View”s Whoopi Goldberg making the same argument some months ago, arguing that Hitler wasn’t racist because the Holocaust was “white people doing it to white people.” She later tried to insinuate that the Holocaust wasn’t equivalent to historical racism against black people because Jews could hide behind the fact that they were white.
The toxicity of woke intersectionality truly knows no bounds. The idea of generic racial “privilege” has always been stupid. Aspects of privilege span all races and are highly dependent on each individual’s personal situation. Yes, the color of one’s skin could be a factor, but there are dozens of other factors that are rarely considered and are often far more important in modern society.
Returning to Anne Frank, she was a Jewish child who lived in a time when her people were seen as subhuman, and they were subject to extermination by evil men. How shallow and sad must one’s life be to try to claim she was “privileged” in order to make themselves seem like more of a victim? And in almost every case, those who stoop to such idiocy are themselves highly privileged, whether they want to admit it or not.
Antisemitism is alive and well in our society, and it should be shunned and mocked. Unfortunately, the woke left making victimhood into a currency is only exasperating it.
To borrow a quote from James Michener’s Bridges at Toko Ri, “where do we get such men?”
When June 6 passes this year, the memories of that day will be little noted, save for a diminishing number of men in their 90’s who were there, and their surviving families who lived through that day. There may be some grainy films on the History and Military channels, and there will be reruns of Saving Private Ryan, but for the most part, it will not be on the minds of the Woke generation or their proponents in the media, academia, or entertainment circles. If noted at all, it will be to condemn Eisenhower’s (who’s he?) use of the words “Great Crusade” as highly offensive and religiously divisive.
It is common now to call these true heroes “the Greatest Generation”, but I think that deserved appellation may be unfair to those who answered the call to colors in other wars -- the simple farmers and tradesmen who rallied to the Union cause to save the Union and free the enslaved, the Doughboys who went Over There, the first Cold War defenders in Korea fighting the spread of the new communist tyrannies, the draftees who went to Vietnam and returned to an ungrateful nation – these, too, were Great Generations.
But my, and your, concern should not be for the current apathy in remembering D-Day and other great accomplishments by those in uniform over our history, but of who will replace them in our future. Is there a next Great Generation? The augurs are not good.
We have a woke generation who manifestly hates America. We have organizations (BLM, Antifa) whose purpose is to destroy America. We have media that preaches only the much-exaggerated sins of America. We tolerate policies and lawlessness designed to “fundamentally change” the culture and majesty that is America. We have educators who vilify the founders and history of America. We have political leaders who want to mimic the governments and practices of the enemies of America.
Who would want to defend that America?
There are still those who reflect the qualities, goodness, and patriotism of their forebearers, that one-half of one percent who today serve to keep the rest of us free to go to the mall, or look at our Twitter tweets, or burn Portland. To them, we are grateful, though not so much to their leaders, military and civilian, who are increasingly political creatures focused on advancing their careers and echoing the politically correct words and policies that their sponsors demand of them – like diversity, pronouns, anti-religion, white supremacy, inclusion.
But that mere 0.5% will not prevail in the coming dangers from a China, Russia, or nuclear Iran and North Korea. They will not be reinforced by new divisions from the woke generation, the America haters, the on-the-dole illegal aliens, the pride flag-wavers, the 70% physically or criminally unqualified pool of draftable males, the possibly brave yet 110 lb. females, the easily-triggered college students.
No, for the first time in our history, it seems there is not the raw material available for our next Great Generation. D-Day will mean the arrival of the new iPhone, not the invasion on some enemy shore to save Liberty and guarantee Freedom.
Fifty some years ago, when it was still a respectable news and entertainment network, CBS produced some great documentaries. One of them from 1964 was CBS Reports: D-Day Plus Twenty – Eisenhower Returns to Normandy.
This Sunday, June 6, 2021, it might be worth your while to spend 82 minutes watching it, especially Eisenhower’s closing comments.
Again, where do we get such men?
More importantly, in our current state of self-hating America, where will we ever get such men, and now women, again?
So. We vilify action men, brand chivalry and valor “toxic masculinity,” stamp on the manly virtues that made civilization possible.
Then we are shocked when armed cops stand around outside a classroom while children are slaughtered, or when straphangers watch passively as a woman is assaulted on the subway. //
“Traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful,” the American Psychological Association declared in 2019. These were the masculine attributes it listed as diseased: “stoicism, competitiveness, dominance, aggression, anti-femininity, achievement, eschewal of the appearance of weakness, and adventure, risk and violence.”
The only acceptable man now is a man who wants to be a woman. We celebrate “pregnant men” and “chestfeeding” men.
You see, in the drive to destroy masculinity, we’ve had to erase women as well. //
“We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise,” C.S. Lewis foretold in his dystopian 1943 book “The Abolition of Man.”
“We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”
Elon Musk
May 30, 2022
Replying to @HardDriveMag
Less funny than SNL on a bad day. This could make a drunk person sober. Try harder!
Elon Musk
The reason you’re not that funny is because you’re woke.
Humor relies on an intuitive & often awkward truth being recognized by the audience, but wokism is a lie, which is why nobody laughs.
2:10 PM · May 30, 2022
In fact, all of this worry and panic is at the heart of the left’s newfound love and redefinition of democracy.
For years, they have told us that corporations don’t have First Amendment rights. They have trashed the Citizens United case pretty thoroughly since the decision was handed down. But the moment a corporation goes fully woke in (a falsely framed) opposition to a law passed by Republicans, they suddenly deserve all those rights, and how dare the Republicans push back against it?! //
A major corporation goes woke and stands in major, vocal opposition to the Republican Party. Free speech comes with consequences. Whether or not a court will uphold those consequences remains to be seen, but it happened. And the left is crying foul.
Of course, if there were a Twitter account called “Cons of TikTok” that focused on the crazy things conservatives say on social media, the left would be apoplectic that someone would dare to expose them for simply posting what conservatives are out there saying. In fact, the left was apoplectic about one of their own getting exposed on social media: Hunter Biden. They shot the original story down over and over until after Joe Biden’s election, then waited two years to bring it up again in their own reporting to verify it.
What happened to it being a misinformation campaign by Russia? Incidentally, Lorenz suggested the same thing when she explained why she went after the Libs of TikTok account. You just never know — it could be the Russians. Gotta protect democracy from those crafty Russians. //
But that brings us to Elon Musk and Twitter. The left has lost their ever-loving minds over this deal. They truly believe it’s the end of democracy. I’m sorry, but if Twitter is the last great bastion of democracy, then democracy deserves to fail. It’s a cesspool disguised as a public square.
But, while a woke Twitter board and woke Twitter staffers can control the flow of information on the site, it’s fine. Democracy is saved. But the moment that you expose what they’re doing or saying on social media, the moment you are a threat to their public perception, you are deemed an enemy of the aforementioned democracy and need to be shut down. And that’s why they are terrified of Musk. He threatens their ability to control the narratives at any given moment //
But the left is losing their minds over the idea that more voices can be heard. The point of democracy is for the voice of the people to be heard so that everyone is informed from all sides and able to make an educated choice. That this idea is so outright rejected by the left that they have to shut down the voices that run counter to them, and that they have to lament their inability to do so in the future, well… it makes me think that perhaps “democracy” was never really the point at all.
And gee, who could have seen that coming?
Kennedy noted that those who take part in woke culture believe that the criminal is actually the victim in almost any given case, and that “wokers” aren’t willing to accept responsibility for anything, choosing to blame all their misfortunes and society’s ills on everyone else.
“Their motto is, ‘Hear no evil, see no evil, prosecute no evil,’” he added.
“Now, fortunately, most Americans, at least those who have the IQ above a sloth understand that’s not the way the real world works,” Kennedy continued. “There are some people in our society, Jesse, who are not sick, they are not confused. They are not mixed up. It’s not that their momma or daddy didn’t love them enough. They are just bad.”
“And that’s why we have to have prisons,” he said. “And with respect to those people who say, ‘Oh my gosh, I’m in prison, isn’t this terrible?’ I would say, ‘Look, if you don’t want to go to prison, don’t do illegal stuff.’ But the corollary to that is, what you allow is what will continue.”
This is the “jaundiced view of reality” that Kennedy says both President Joe Biden and California Governor Gavin Newsom have adopted. Moreover, Kennedy noted that many Democrat Senators understand the people’s anger about this lack of punishment for criminals, leading to a decrease in law and order, but they won’t do anything out of fear of woke culture coming for them.
“What you allow is what will continue. And as long as we allow this, the criminals are not going to be unhappy with this. And they are going to keep committing crimes,” said Kennedy.
Elon Musk @elonmusk says the woke mind virus is "arguably one of the biggest threats to modern civilization." pic.twitter.com/JqLmb1Sqm8
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) December 22, 2021 //
Wokeness basically wants to make comedy illegal, which is not cool. Trying to shut down Chappelle, come on man, that’s crazy. Do we want a humorless society that is simply rife with condemnation, and hate?”
He continued, “At its heart, wokeness is divisive, exclusionary, and hateful. It basically gives mean people a shield to be cruel, armored in false virtue.” //
@elonmusk On Twitter Battle With Senator Warren
"She called me a grifter & a free-loader who doesn't pay taxes basically & I'm literally paying the most tax that any individual in history has ever paid this year, ever. And she doesn't pay taxes basically at all." @TheBabylonBee pic.twitter.com/jQZzvhBVRr
— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) December 22, 2021
“She struck first. Yes, she did actually call me a freeloader and a grifter who doesn’t pay taxes. I’m literally paying the most tax that any individual in history has ever paid this year, ever, and she doesn’t pay taxes, basically. And her taxes and salary is paid for by the taxpayer like me. If you could die by irony, she would be dead,” Musk said.
Who knew? Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin. The former KGB agent and current murderous dictator of Russia is more woke about wokeism in America than are Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.
The Russian “president for life” slammed wokeism, correctly saying it is causing societal ills, and claiming it is no different than the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Putin made his extraordinary remarks in Sochi, where the topic was “Global Shake-up in the 21st Century.” His remarks were translated by an interpreter and the video was uploaded to the Russian government’s website.
Not the Bee
Putin blasts Wokeism and compares it to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, slams CRT and the practice of calling women "birthing people"
Putin blasts Wokeism and compares it to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, slams CRT and the practice...
1:58 PM · Oct 22, 2021