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Rather, this takes wokeness in children’s programming not just to another planet, but well into another universe. Jarring cuts with various questionable claims are interspersed with black children raising their fists and shouting “Slaves built this country!” over and over. That is then parlayed into a demand for financial reparations.
And we the descendants of slaves in America have earned reparations for their suffering and continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in a systemic predjudice, racism, and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for.
Slaves built this country.
In another section, it is asserted that Abraham Lincoln did not free the slaves and that “Emancipation is not freedom.” Other generalized claims include the idea that slavery made “your families” rich, a statement pointed at all white Americans, and that slavery built the banking and shipping industries.
There are several problems here, beginning with the fact that it’s just incredibly divisive and harmful to teach children eight generations removed from slavery that they are oppressed victims due to the suffering of their ancestors. Anyone who watches that clip and is impressionable is going to walk away thinking they have a right to be angry at and punish those that don’t look like them. //
It is a grossly inaccurate simplification of American history to teach kids that “Slaves built this country.” Slavery contributed to parts of the early economy in the United States, but it did not build the country into what it is today (or even what it was a hundred years ago).
Why? Because slavery is an evil, atrophying institution that stunts the growth of a nation instead of accelerating it. In the case of the United States, it locked generations of slaves and non-slaves alike in abject poverty. Slaves were obviously not paid while their forced labor then crushed the market for the labor of non-slaves. Compounding the situation, because most slaves weren’t allowed to be educated and the vast majority of non-slaves at the time were so poor they couldn’t afford to be, generations of advancement were lost across the board.
Slavery was not good. It had no redeeming qualities. It did not “build this country.” Instead, those who perpetrated it mired the country in place for decades for the benefit of a very select few. It wasn’t until after the Civil War and the abolition of slavery that the United States actually began its march to global dominance beginning with the industrial revolution.
Lastly, even if one wants to ignore everything I’ve just written, the “Slaves built this country” line also suffers from a math problem. There were a little over three million slaves in the United States in 1850 (the last pre-war census taken). In comparison. there were 23 million Americans in total. Non-slave-owning adults made up the vast majority of that number and almost all of them worked hard labor jobs in relative squalor, with the largest populations of people residing in non-slave states. In other words, they also “built this country,” and it does not downplay slavery to admit that context. //
an hour ago
slavery didn’t build this country, but it most certainly nearly destroyed it. Slaves were mostly used on plantations in the south, but slaves also existed in scattered areas of the north. The building and construction of this country was mostly done by paid laborers not slaves. The CRT notion of reparations is an appeal to the weak minds of carefully groomed people who have been raised up for such nonsense. Every single group of humans deserves reparations given past sins against their ancestors by someone - some more egregious than slavery. Take the American Indians, or native peoples anywhere where they were “colonized”. I think the Jews deserve reparations from the entire world over their treatment for 1000’s of years. What about the people in Spain and Southern France who had to live through the attack and enslavement by the Moors - do they not deserve reparations? Can any amount of payment wash clean anyone’s ancestors ‘sins” - of course not and their offspring are not guilty of their distant ancestors behaviors. This grab for reparations is simple a money grab based on the gene pool lottery, got some of them slave genes in ya - collect a payment. //
2 hours ago
This bit of revisionist history completely ignores millions of indentured servants who were effectively slaves except for having a time when they would gain their freedom.
Slavery was evil and our countries greatest sin. Our country was among the first to end it and helped end piracy worldwide to end slavery worldwide.
It was also practiced by every culture in human history except the Intuit in the arctic. Nobody has clean hands and her propaganda is nothing more than hate speech.