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This matches up with other stories that have come out recently. One Planned Parenthood insider revealed that the abortion giant has begun shifting toward transition therapy and that they’re pushing it on teen girls. As I wrote in February, teen girls would come into the clinic for hormone surgery in the same way they’d go to the mall to get an ear piercing. Hardly any questions were asked, and those that were were somewhat leading:
The “health assistant” told Shrier that each day, teen girls would come to the clinic, sometimes with a parent or with groups of girlfriends all claiming that they have the trendy new mental illness of “gender dysphoria.”
“I think they were telling what they perceived to be their authentic history to them at the time. Like, I was a 13-year-old girl, you know. Everything is very dire, everything needs to be remedied immediately,” she said.
The woman was presented with a script to read to the kids, but it didn’t put too much emphasis on the patient’s history of evaluation.
“The questions that we asked were like, very closed-ended…It would be, ‘you know, at what age did this start’? Boom — that is it. ‘What kinds of dysphoria do you feel’? Boom — that’s it, you know? ‘What do you want out of your transition’? ‘Do you want top surgery?’ ‘Do you want bottom surgery’?”
Often the pattern held that these girls who came in for transition drugs were all suffering from some form of high anxiety or depression. Some came in with self-abuse scars on their arms, but Planned Parenthood staff were instructed not to address them at all.
This means that places like Planned Parenthood, and likely activists in the medical and psychological fields, are preying on depressed or anxiety-ridden people in order to push these therapies and surgeries on them, likely for profit.