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To comply with the European Union’s climate diktats, the Dutch, Belgium, and other European governments have pledged to more than halve their emission of greenhouse gases. To meet these radical targets, they are forcing the farmers to cut down on their livestock or go out of business.
In the Netherlands, Europe’s biggest meat exporter, the government is trying to “convince farmers to reduce livestock herds or leave the industry to cut emissions,” the London-based Financial Times reported last week. //
Eva Vlaardingerbroek @EvaVlaar
The farmers form virtually the only self reliant societal group in The Netherlands that has enough manpower to bring the government to its knees.
And that’s exactly why they’re trying to get rid of them.
11:11 AM · Mar 3, 2023 //
The Netherlands is the world’s second-largest agricultural exporter after the United States. Farming and dairy sectors also play a key role in Belgium’s economy.
With Ukraine, the proverbial breadbasket of Europe, devastated after a yearlong war, the EU wants to put tens of thousands of Dutch farmers out of business in pursuit of a foolish climate change agenda. “Dutch government proposals for tackling nitrogen emissions indicate a radical cut in livestock – they estimate 11,200 farms will have to close and another 17,600 farmers will have to significantly reduce their livestock,” the BBC estimated last July. //
Fat_Freddys_Cat | March 6, 2023 at 4:22 pm
Have any journalists asked Dutch or EU officials where they expect to get food from if they run the farmers off the land? It seems a rather obvious question but I don’t see it being asked.