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It’s taken 400 years of scientific discoveries to make it possible for anyone to find his location anywhere on the globe using GPS. //
With the letters GPS, we instantly recognize an innovation that has revolutionized our lives. The concept was born half a century ago in a sweltering room at the Pentagon over Labor Day weekend in 1973.
That’s the genesis of the concept for a constellation of platforms orbiting the Earth, transmitting radio signals to determine location. Many years of calculation, experiment, and miniaturization led to the Navigation Signal Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR) satellites that became known as the Global Positioning System (GPS). //
Our society has been blessed with rare and precious genius that has combined across centuries to yield the civilizational achievements we enjoy today. Orbital mechanics originated from careful geometric analysis by Johannes Kepler in the 17th century. Two centuries later, electromagnetism was empirically measured by Michael Faraday and mathematically characterized by James Clerk Maxwell.
Atomic oscillation arose from the quantized radiation law Max Planck discovered, while Albert Einstein discovered relativistic effects, both in the early 20th century. These were the giants on whose shoulders later scientists and engineers stood to build their guideposts in the heavens.
While only a tiny fraction of the electorate understands the enormity of government waste, fraud, and abuse, now and then we learn of some extraordinary achievements underwritten with your tax dollars. GPS is one of them.