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Kevin Kiley @KevinKileyCA
I'm introducing a Constitutional Amendment providing that U.S. Senators, like Members of the House, must always be elected rather than appointed.
5:42 PM · Apr 17, 2023
“Section 1. No person shall be a Senator from a state unless such person has been elected by the people thereof. When vacancies happen in the representation of any state in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies.
“Section 2. This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as a part of the Constitution.” //
Aiken_Bob mdavt
12 days ago
The repealing of the the 17th would make a whole lot of things better. The great Neal Borts use to say who represents your state in congress -- the answer was No one. //
Romeg mdavt
11 days ago
And the 16th, while we are at it, concomitant with the adoption of The Fair Tax to be administered by the states and leaving the Federal government to collect taxes from the States rather than from the Citizens, obviating any need, whatsoever, for the IRS and the tax code that IT enforces. //
12 days ago edited
NO! We need an amendment to repeal the 17th amendment and return state representation to DC, not one to push us further away from the founders intent. State legislators select them. //
12 days ago
The exact opposite of what we need. Repeal the 17th! Take the 16th out with it //
The Left only destroys
12 days ago
Get rid of the 17th Amendment, but modify the selection process for Senators. The reason the 17th Amendment was passed was because state legislatures couldn't agree on a Senator if the upper chamber and lower chamber were held by different parties. So, stipulate that each chamber appoints one Senator. If a vacancy occurs, the chamber in question can assemble to appoint a replacement. One six-year term and out.
While I am at it...I'm not a Warren Buffett fanboy, but he did have an idea that I would like to modify as follows. Since the House is responsible for initiating revenue bills, require that the House produce a balanced biennial budget on time (such that no continuing resolutions are needed). Failure to do so means that all current members of the House are ineligible to stand for re-election (in my world, that ineligibility would be permanent).
One last thing. Get rid of income withholding. Make people pay in quarterly. You'll see the biggest contraction of government in world history (idea courtesy of Rush Limbaugh). //
TK421 The Left only destroys
11 days ago
I like everything except disqualifying House members. Budget bills should be passed for each cabinet department individually (no omnibus bills), before the first day of the fiscal year. If not, the budget for the new year is automatically frozen at last year's level.