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a new report from CNN of all places has revealed that the evacuation devolved into a sex slavery market as women entered into forced marriages in exchange for the promise of rescue.
Omri Ceren
Thinly sourced but CNN says there's cable on it. If true should be mass resignations.
Biden admin didn't have criteria & didn't vet 10s of 1000s of Afghans they evac'd. What resulted was market for forced child marriage & sex slavery across evac process.
The sources said that some Afghan women and girls housed at one of the evacuation centers in the UAE reported that their families had forced them into marriage outside of the airport in Kabul so they could escape the country as the Taliban seized power. In some reported instances, families paid men eligible for evacuation thousands of dollars to marry or pose as husbands for women to flee. //
Ceren points out, this is also evidence that the vetting process was an absolute joke. Men were literally able to take payment for women being forced into sex slavery within hours of being evacuated and no one checking the paperwork seemed to care. That means they either turned a blind eye or that they weren’t even actually checking the backgrounds of these people to even notice what was going on.
None of this is surprising, though. We saw the country of Libya descend into a literal modern-day slave state after the Obama administration orchestrated the overthrow of Muammar Ghaddafi. Unintended consequences are a constant when it comes to Washington’s foreign policy smart-set, though, that’s not an excuse for what occurred.