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A fertility awareness method (FAM) is a modern, evidence-based method of charting one’s menstrual cycle, through observable biological signs unique to each woman, that helps a woman know more about her hormones, overall health, and when during her cycle she is naturally fertile or not. With the information obtained by observing and charting certain biomarkers of fertility, a woman is equipped to reach health goals with greater precision and family planning goals with high rates of effectiveness.
Fertility awareness methods can help a woman understand her body’s menstrual cycle and hormone health and identify and treat reproductive disorders. They can also be used as methods of natural family planning (NFP) that equip a woman to know when she is fertile and when she isn’t, at natural times in her cycle. By avoiding intercourse during periods of her cycle when she is fertile, a woman can use a FAM as a form of natural birth control, and at effectiveness rates that rival pharmaceutical birth control. //
Which FAM should you choose?
The first and most important question is “What do you feel that you can commit to today?” A person’s needs, hormones, and capacities shift over the years, so what works today might not work in a year—or in five years. It’s important to take into account variables like the cost of the method, accessibility to a certified FAM educator (although these days most of them teach online!), and fitting biomarker observations and charting into their schedule. //
One of the greatest advantages of using a fertility awareness method is how they can help identify hormonal imbalances and teach you more about your body than you ever could learn while on hormonal contraception. And that’s why it is crucial to have Reproductive Endocrinologists, OBGYNs, and General Practitioners well versed in fertility awareness methods. //
For more information on getting started charting your cycles with a Fertility Awareness Method or method of Natural Family Planning, check out the following resources: