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As part of my collection of pro-and-con libertarian humor, I’ve shared some images of “Libertarian Jesus.”
There’s another perspective, of course. Many mainline protestant denominations have very statist political agendas, and there’s a “liberation theology” strain of Catholicism.
Some of these people even might argue that Jesus was a socialist. Back in 2009, I shared some excerpts from a skeptical column by Cal Thomas on this topic. Today, let’s take a deeper look.
In a video for Prager University, Larry Reed looks at the Bible to determine whether Jesus was a socialist.
I’m certainly not an expert on theology, but I definitely liked Larry’s point about the warning against envy in the 10 Commandments.
After all, “Thou shall not covet” certainly seems inconsistent with class-warfare policy.
Let’s see what others have written on this topic.