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On this Armed Forces Day, with a goal to inform and educate American citizens and to protect every member of the US Armed Forces serving the Republic, we are exposing the very dangerous initiative hatched by Biden/Harris/Obama to the American Citizens, that is destroying the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US armed forces. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin hired a radical DOD extremist czar and fellow graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point, Bishop Garrison, to search for and oust so-called extremists from the US armed forces. Bishop Garrison’s official title is “Senior Advisor to The Secretary of Defense on Human Capital and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.” Garrison will oversee the implementation of immediate actions required to combat “patriot extremism, as well as the development of the mid-term and long-term recommendations for the continued engagement to combat future patriot extremism in the ranks.
Garrison is a racist activist who believes in and provides support for the racist principles of the 1619 Project, which is based on outright lies that never actually occurred in American history. He is implementing a very sinister and extremely dangerous initiative in the US Armed Forces, by force-feeding Critical Race Theory into the entire US Armed Forces, which is degrading the combat effectiveness and unit cohesion of the US military. The Obama regime screened inept woke Superintendents at West Point and the US Naval Academy have been inserting Critical Race Theory, politics, and racism into the curriculum of those Service Academies, to the detriment of unit cohesion, comradery, and morale in the Long Gray Line and in The Brigade of Midshipmen.
Bishop Garrison has repeatedly stated that anyone in the US Armed Forces who supported President Donald J. Trump is a racist and must be purged from the US military. Garrison does not see Army Green; instead, he only sees “race,” unlike every recruit trained in the US Army over the last 80 years who have been taught that there is only one color in the US Army (Army Green). Garrison is only searching for MAGA Red and is determined to get all of those supporters of President Trump out of the US military. That is a flagrant violation of the civil rights of every member of the US Armed Forces, but Secretary Austin has given Garrison free range to hunt out and eliminate career opportunities for any patriot supporter of President Trump. //
this is a racist quest by Bishop Garrison which was started by Obama in 2008 with EO 13583. It is being driven forward by the Marxists, socialists, and the Biden/Harris/Obama administration to purge the US Armed Forces of patriotic Americans and destroy the military readiness, combat effectiveness, and unit cohesion of the US armed forces while eliminating any support for the principles that The Founding Fathers laid out in the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights while substituting the racist principles of the 1619 Project.