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Former Vice President and 2000 presidential election loser Al Gore has spent his post-political career warning anyone who will listen that the earth is in its death throes due to global warming (now called climate change because somehow that’s better).
His 2006 documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” amassed $49 million at the world box office and catapulted Al into the top ranks of climate hysterics, and he’s never looked back, constantly jetting to meetings around the world to preach his truth.
This week he’s at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, because of course he is.
Is he doing this because he truly believes what he’s saying, or because he cares so very much about you? While we can’t read his mind, one thing we do know for sure: climate change has been very, very good to Al Gore. Though he was worth approximately $1.7 million at the end of his vice presidency, he has now amassed an estimated $330 million fortune, owns houses in Virginia, California, and Tennessee, and receives a cool $2 million a month for a figurehead position at the Generation Investment Management green energy fund he founded with former Goldman Sachs Managing Director David W. Blood. //
Replying to @algore
Al Gores $9,000,000 beach house, steps away from the ocean. Listen up liberal sheep, would anyone who really thinks the oceans are rising own this? Just like how they live in mansions, fly private planes and have huge “carbon footprints.” If they were truly concerned they’d stop!
1:04 PM · Jan 6, 2018 //
2 hours ago
A highly successful modern snake-oil salesman, relieving fools of their money. 'A fool and his money are soon parted' is an age-old saying for a reason.