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A new CBS News poll reveals that a majority of Americans believe the biggest threat to the American way of life is other Americans. More than two-thirds of poll respondents said they believe democracy in the U.S. is “threatened,” and 54% said “other people in America” are the “biggest threat to the American way of life,” more so than economic factors, viruses, natural disasters, or foreign actors. //
What does this all add up to? Simple. We have two groups that hate America and Americans. These groups overlap a bit. They are the hardcore Leftists and the self-described, Elites. The Elites are comprised of garden variety Leftists, but also include RINO politicians and pundits. Think Hunger Games.
These two groups have grown so strong, they have made it virtually impossible to compromise with them. Meeting them in the middle has become akin to a situation where a mugger comes up, threatens to kill you, rape your wife, and take all your money. You hope that a compromise might be that he takes your money, kills you, and lets your wife go. Really?
There really are two Americas, three if you count the Elites and the Leftists as two groups. Make no mistake about it. The Elites and the Leftists do indeed pose a huge danger to America. And make no mistake about it. It’s not just President Trump they hate. They hate us. Mr. Utter has written an excellent article. Please take the time to look it over. The only beef I have is that we really don’t need a poll to realize at this point, We have met the enemy and he is us.