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One thing is for sure, most reindeer don’t have glowing cherry schnozzes—but the Eurasian mountain variety living in the Arctic Circle have a magic trick not seen elsewhere in the animal kingdom. They can change their eye color from yellow to blue. //
In the summer, reindeer’s tapetum lucidum—a mirror-like layer at the back of their eye—is a luminous gold streaked through with turquoise, iridescent like a golden opal. But in the winter, that layer turns a deep, rich blue. //
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A Reindeer's eyes turn blue in the winter so they can see better in low light, blue eyed people can also see better in the dark than brown eyed people!
10:19 AM · Dec 19, 2022 //
“You add these things up and the sensitivity of their eyes is at least a thousand times higher in winter than in summer,” says researcher Nicholas Tyler at the Arctic University of Norway.