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Yossi Gestetner
Jan 6th was the worst attack on the Capitol since 1812? Odd because in 1954, five congressmen were wounded on the floor when 4 terrorists opened fire from the visitor area. (Prez Carter later commuted/reduced the sentences.)
https://blogs.loc.gov/headlinesandheroes/2020/05/1954-shooting-at-the-u-s-capitol/ //
A lot of things happened on January 6th. What did not happen is a hitman directly ordering people to attack the Capitol, in this case, Donald Trump. During his speech, Trump specifically asked people to peacefully protest. That some of the protesters didn’t is ultimately on them for choosing not to listen. We have agency in this country, and people are responsible for their own actions.
Besides, there’s precious little evidence there was any intent to carry out a real “hit” that day. Those that entered the Capitol had ample opportunity to cause bodily harm to people inside and they didn’t. That includes police officers who stood in the hallways telling crowds to stay back. That the officers did that is commendable, but the reality is that they could have been easily overrun. That they weren’t is evidence that the crowds were merely looking to cause a scene, and that’s exactly what happened.