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The New York Times
Mike Pompeo is emerging as the most outspoken critic of President Biden among former top Trump officials, ignoring, much as he did in office, the custom that current and former secretaries of state avoid the appearance of political partisanship. https://nyti.ms/3ruQB49 //
🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸
Dear @nytimes:
Secretary of State @HillaryClinton ran for President after leaving office.
After her stunning defeat to a political novice (Trump), she’s been an outspoken critic for 4 years (and counting).
And former Secretary @JohnKerry hasn’t shut up.
But besides them ... //
Matt Whitlock
Replying to @nytimes
What former Secretaries of State have avoided political partisanship?! Hillary Clinton? John Kerry? Colin Powell who has endorsed every Dem for 20 years? Albright called Trump a fascist.
Only recent Secretary of State to respect this “custom” is Condi Rice. //
Plus, we should note that six past secretaries of state – Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren, and James Buchanan – all went on to be elected president and multiple others ran for president. But let’s not tell the “presidential historian” about all that.
But nice try, New York Times. Maybe make the naked partisanship of your own a little less obvious the next time.