5333 private links
7 hours ago
All the US and NATO allies should do is recognize and agree to assist Russia in defense of its borders existing as of January 1, 2013 excluding contested areas of Georgia and areas Japan controls or claims in the east. This of course excludes the Crimea. So then how can the NATO threat survive. Putin needs to sell gas to Germany and the EU. The EU should definitely ramp up LNG reception facilities. Put NATO troops way south of DONBAS adjacent to Armiyansk and at key points bordering the Crimea. Harass electronically Bielogorsk and its satellite facilities. Build up in SE Ukraine. Check where the Crimea gets water from. Get some serious non woke minds running this pitiful Biden roll over show. Remind the Russian people that in the east where large oil and gas and other minerals are abundant that the Chinese have crept into those areas.