5333 private links
BSD co-inventor Dennis Ritchie, for instance, used "dmac" (his middle name was MacAlistair); Stephen R. Bourne, creator of the Bourne shell command line interpreter, chose "bourne"; Eric Schmidt, an early developer of Unix software and now the executive chairman of Google parent company Alphabet, relied on "wendy!!!" (the name of his wife); and Stuart Feldman, author of Unix automation tool make and the first Fortran compiler, used "axolotl" (the name of a Mexican salamander).
Weakest of all was the password for Unix contributor Brian W. Kernighan: "/.,/.," representing a three-character string repeated twice using adjacent keys on a QWERTY keyboard. (None of the passwords included the quotation marks.)
I don't remember any of my early passwords, but they probably weren't much better. //
Magnus • October 15, 2019 5:31 PM
"I would love to learn what Donald E. Knuth's passwords used to look like."
Knuth just closes his eyes and concentrates and the computer logs him in.
The computer needs a password to log in to Knuth.