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Natural gas stakeholders join renewable energy fans in striking preemptive blows against the Energy Department's much anticipated grid reliability study //
Energy Dept. Grid Study: Oil And Gas Vs. Coal And Nukes
API’s case of nerves over the forthcoming grid study has a simple explanation: API has the interests of its membership at heart, and drillers have a tremendous amount of interest in pushing coal and nuclear energy out of the power generation field in favor of natural gas.
The shale gas boom has put a world of hurt on some local communities but it has resulted in low prices. The industry consensus is that so far, natural gas is the driving force behind coal power plant closures.
Earlier this week API released a study of its own demonstrating that natural gas is a better match for today’s flexible power demands than either coal or nuclear energy. //
“Baseload is kind of a historical term. It’s not really relevant to how electricity is produced today…What you need is dispatchability… and [coal and nuclear] are far slower when you compare them to a lot of the technology natural gas plants have.” //
As for nuclear energy, so far atom power has not been a particular area of interest for President Trump