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In mid-August, the first commercially available ZFS cloud replication target became available at rsync.net. Who cares, right? As the service itself states, "If you're not sure what this means, our product is Not For You."
Of course, this product is for someone—and to those would-be users, this really will matter. Fully appreciating the new rsync.net (spoiler alert: it's pretty impressive!) means first having a grasp on basic data transfer technologies. And while ZFS replication techniques are burgeoning today, you must actually begin by examining the technology that ZFS is slowly supplanting. //
Yep—it took the same old 1.7 seconds for ZFS to re-sync, no matter whether we touched a 1GB file, touched an 8GB file, or even moved an 8GB file from one place to another. In the last test, that's almost three full orders of magnitude faster than rsync: 1.7 seconds versus 1,479.3 seconds. Poor rsync never stood a chance.
rsync has a lot of trouble with these. The tool can save you network bandwidth when synchronizing a huge file with only a few changes, but it can't save you disk bandwidth, since rsync needs to read through and tokenize the entire file on both ends before it can even begin moving data across the wire. This was enough to be painful, even on our little 8GB test file. On a two terabyte VM image, it turns into a complete non-starter. I can (and do!) sync a two terabyte VM image daily (across a 5mbps Internet connection) usually in well under an hour. Rsync would need about seven hours just to tokenize those files before it even began actually synchronizing them... and it would render the entire system practically unusable while it did, since it would be greedily reading from the disks at maximum speed in order to do so.
The moral of the story? Replication definitely matters.