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Changing Education Around the World
This is No Ordinary Box!
SmartBox® solves 6 challenges faced by schools in developing countries:
- Lack of Internet - The SmartBox® provides students a vast collection of content sent wirelessly to the Chromebooks.
- Limited Electricity - Runs on battery power for 12-16 hours; recharges in 5 hours with generator or solar system.
- Textbook Shortage - Students have access to a myriad of books, videos and learning resources.
- Teacher Shortage - Students can learn in the absence of a qualified teacher, and teachers can also learn!
- Messy Wiring Runs - Gone are the days of the traditional computer lab with its tangle of cords.
- Security - Can be securely locked and stored each evening.
- 20 Chromebook laptops
- 20 headsets - can be shared by 40 students
- Loaded with educational resources including Wikipedia, Khan Academy, textbooks, encyclopedias, beginning readers, and more!
- Click here to view the Menu including the NEW Biblical Resource Library
- Provide your own content and curriculum on a USB stick
- Can be configured in English, Spanish or French
- Portable waterproof, shockproof case with wheels
- Charges with either 110v or 230v
- Over $1 million invested in Research & Development
- Powered by Internet-in-a-Box technology