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Southern has a big nuclear project in the works, and it has worked hard to get it done early -- which increasingly looks like a brilliant move. //
as much as we can as fast as we can is an enormous risk mitigator. You've heard us use the expression before, Fail Fast. We'd like to get our hands on major equipment and major systems and test them as early as we can, two big benefits. When we do that, we let in the opportunity for these systems when problems invariably occur that they don't impact our critical path, one; two, that we can minimize cost as a result of those things; and three, that we gain lessons learned that we can apply to other systems throughout the plant.
Essentially, pushing the envelope like this by working toward a deadline that's six months ahead of what regulators expect gives Southern breathing room. It can deal with some headwinds and still get the project completed as regulators expect. And if it gets done sooner, well, everyone ends up happy: The nuclear plants will be running, and Southern will trim the overall cost of the project.