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The initiative, however, received no recognition from President Biden. One of Musk’s followers on Twitter asked: “The President of the United States has refused to even acknowledge the 4 newest American astronauts who helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars for St. Jude. What’s your theory on why that is?”
“He’s still sleeping,” Musk responded.
The Biden administration’s apparent refusal to acknowledge the mission comes after it snubbed Tesla, which Musk also leads, by not inviting it to an electric vehicle summit — because the firm does not have unionized workers. //
The Democrats turn their backs on Musk for two reasons. For one, many Democrats are radicalized and hate billionaires. They consider their wealth to be an egregious corruption and proof that the capitalist system is evil. They think the billions of Musk and others like Bezos should be taken from them and given to government programs.
The other part of the Democrat party, namely elected officials, don’t like Musk because it’s useful not to. They feel they have to adhere to the first group’s thoughts and feelings and so they turn their back on them. What’s more, they do it because they want to pressure Musk into adopting systems of control that would put him further under their thumb. As Daily Wire reported above, they snubbed Musk first because he’s not using union labor, and union labor and Democrats go hand in hand. //
While Musk is looking up and thinking about how to bring humanity the stars, the Democrats are looking at you and wondering how they can bring you under their rule. They can’t rightly do that if you’re too busy cheering on and wanting to support their enemies.
Democrats are not about the future of humanity, they’re about the future of their rule.