5333 private links
Jonathan Turley
I fail to see how having a "community-approach" to censure is so much better than a corporate approach. https://foxnews.com/politics/twitter-unveils-birdwatch-a-community-driven-approach-to-misleading-information Majoritarian limits on free speech are nothing new. Indeed, that is the point of free speech protections. You do not need to protect popular speech.
My main concern is still Twitter's expanding censorship of material deemed misleading. The use of community input will be part of this broader effort to identify material deemed misinformation and remove it.
...Birdwatch will encourage groups to organize objections to tweets and build the case for removals, flags, or warnings by Twitter. Who is watching the birdwatchers? These people already have their own Twitter accounts to offer opposing viewpoints.
Replying to @JonathanTurley
Sounds like a shift to crowdsourcing to get around any “editorial” type activity coming from the corporation itself to keep its exemption.