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One of our clients wanted an hyperlinked image slideshow with a sleek Ken Burns effect. Instead of reinventing the wheel, we turned to this awesome open source script, and updated it with a few improvements:The script as mentioned applies a ken burns effect to each image. To make it more interesting, the pan direction is random each time, taking into account the native dimensions of the image. Specify the amount of zoom to occur each time. Two handy event handlers of the script lets you do more advanced things such as display a corresponding description for each slide beneath the slideshow. Cool!
Simply add the code inside the <HEAD> section of the page, then, insert the following sample HTML where you want the slideshow to appear:
<div id="kenburns-slideshow"></div>
<div id="slide-title"></div>
The above code references 2 external files plus 1 image. Download them below (right click, and select "Save As"):
Archived at https://www.metatek.org/frangipani/html/