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There is slim hope that any of the major perpetrators of this horror will ever be held to account. Even though Putin, Shoigu, and Gerasimov have long since breached the threshold for war crimes using the standard of Nuremberg or the Yamashita trial, they are outside the reach of justice. They can be inconvenienced by travel restrictions and personal sanctions, but they will never stand trial for their crimes.
A second-best solution is to document the units serving in areas like Bucha. Thanks to a massive data breach, we can identify at least 120,000 Russian soldiers and their units of assignment thanks to a hack by “Anonymous.”
Soldiers serving with targeted units should be targeted for arrest if they ever leave Russia. The same applies to Russian commanders serving in Ukraine. They are all liable for any war crime that took place under their command, which they did not investigate and prosecute. As General Yamashita found out, it isn’t even necessary to have been informed about the war crimes to be convicted for committing them.
The Russian Army is not a professional military. We must stop regarding it as such and treat it as the criminal enterprise that it is.