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Why did Democrats all start moving in lockstep to ban gas stoves, seemingly with no prior concern at all? And sure enough, with a little digging, it’s been revealed that this isn’t just idle science taking place.
The company behind the study is called “Carbon-Free Buildings.” That company is a partner of the World Economic Forum and has a true-believer CEO who wants to rid the world of all carbon emissions (which is impossible and would lead to mass extinction). //
Now, it’s all starting to make sense. Is this moral panic over gas stoves really about children and asthma? Of course, it’s not. Rather, it is yet more nonsense from the WEF and its like-minded corporate underlings regarding climate change. It’s obvious, in my view, that the citation of health risks being bandied about currently is just a convenient cover to try to force more people off forms of energy that rely on fossil fuels (i.e. natural gas). //
But what’s scary here is how quickly they were able to mobilize. A study gets put out, Ocasio-Cortez and others run with it, and suddenly the federal government is trying to tell you what stove you can cook on. There’s a certain psychotic efficiency to the modern left, and it shouldn’t be brushed aside.