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As reported by Breitbart under the banner of “exclusive,” the branch’s training details updated directions for bathing. And the rules are plenty far from what you might find familiar.
The training — purportedly delivered via scenarios — prescribes proper responses to issues concerning transgenderism.
Vignette Nine, for instance, deals with mandated urine specimens: What if an “observer” is uncomfortable having to watch a soldier — who has “not [had] sex reassignment surgery” — pee into a cup? //
Soldiers must accept living and working conditions that are often austere, primitive, and characterized by little or no privacy. All soldiers will use the billeting, bathroom, and shower facilities associated with their gender marker… //
Facilities will not be designated, modified, or constructed to make transgender-only areas. Any modifications made must be available to all soldiers to use. Accommodations cannot isolate or stigmatize the transgender soldier.
Might unrequired accommodations such as curtains make a transgender soldier sense stigma? Surely there’s a solid chance.
Of course, the situation was inevitable once government adopted the revolutionary notion of “gender.” //
All branches are bound to command co-ed cleaning:
Report: Navy Says Sailors Can Use Whichever Locker Room Suits Their Gender Identity https://t.co/tfn1dregSa
— RedState (@RedState) July 9, 2021