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Notice the common denominator in all those tweets? The assumption by these people is that only persons of color are doing the looting and rioting during the “protests.”
The other assumption is that black, Hispanic, and Asian people have not been victims of violent looting and rioting themselves.
As we’ve seen from the anarchistic riots that have happened in Democrat-run cities like Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, and others for the last several months, that is most definitely not the case. Black, Hispanic, and Asian-owned businesses have been targeted by “peaceful protesters” of all colors. Black law enforcement officers have specifically been singled out by violent Antifa-BLM rioters, and unfortunately in some instances, some of those officers have either suffered serious injuries or have died while serving in their communities to protect the very people who turn around and “thank” them for their service by injuring or murdering them in cold blood.
So no, there is no nefarious “racist” motivation for DeSantis to try and strengthen laws that will allow innocent law-abiding citizens to better protect themselves, their families, homes, and livelihoods if under dangerous threat from rioters hellbent on whipping up purge-like protest mobs.