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In response to Whitmer’s imperialistic order, Enbridge told her to pound sand, saying the oil will keep flowing regardless of her demands because the two sides are still in the middle of court-ordered mediation.
But Whitmer doesn’t care. Her quest to please her climate-change-gods takes precedence over the needs of her residents and the residents of other states which will inevitably suffer as a result of her decision. Though Line 5 has previously had issues with small leaks, those leaks have amounted to just 1.1 million gallons leaked over 29 leak incidents, over the last 53 years. While 1.1 million gallons may seem like a lot, it amounts to 56 gallons a day, less than 5% of the total oil that is pumped through the line in just one day, or just 0.0002% of the 446 Billion gallons of oil that has pumped through the line since 1968. If I were running a business and my safety and prevention efforts resulted in a 99.9998% success rate, I’d be asking for a raise.
That doesn’t stop the fearmongering left. Their stupidity in practice means we shut down those oil pipelines, leading to shortages, stagnation of the economy (or outright economic collapse), further victimization of America’s poverty-stricken population, and of course, a significant rise in carbon pollution as the transportation of those oil resources is moved to truck and diesel pushing trains. Of course, Whitmer and her team of “experts,” don’t factor for any of these issues in the fancy reports. To them, the reduction of the consumption of carbon-producing fuels is worth it. Your immediate physical and mental health matters not to them. Neither does your financial situation or your ability to provide for your family. It all can be sacrificed at the altar of “good intentions” as the left continues the worship of their climate change gods. To them, your health, freedom, and happiness are expendable as long as they feel like they are doing the will of their progressive agenda.