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13 hours ago
Wait a minute. Affirmative Action has been a real "thing". For like 50 years. Everything the federal government touches is infused with racial policing and many liberal metro enclaves have been run on a racially-driven basis for decades.
Consider the case of Oakland. It has a department of Race and Equity in the municipal government. Look up the ghastly tale of the "Ghost Ship" fire and see how much good that did.
This is why you should not be able to get out of Sociology 1 or maybe even high school history without learning about the Moynihan Report "Crisis o the Negro Family". The stunning reality that black and white social statistics were roughly equivalent in the 1950s has to be considered in light of what has come since.
There is a false premise that "nothing has changed". No, every statistical indicator has gotten WORSE. Except for one: income, which did go up in part through lessening of legal discrimination but largely by the acquisition of public sector jobs. There is a treasure trove of historical material at a web site called TheBlackPast. Look at the page they have on the Moynihan Report; the story is encapsulated in one graphic at the top of the page.
Education itself, what should have been the Great Levelor, has instead been weaponized by corrupt political elements who I would accuse of outright sabotage because they want to cultivate dependence on the government.
But remember you get another cohort to educate every year. Look up the young man who was the first black Valedictorian in the long history of Oakland Technical High School, whose story I first learned about right here (it "went viral" later after his speech went up on Youtube).
I appreciate Condi stepping up to this extent but we are not where we are because of what happened in the distant past. We are where we are because of policies that were implemented SINCE that past was over. And now Harvared and Yale discriminate AGAINST Asians while a newly-annointed Nobel Prize winning economist endorses it? (That's Card the one from UC Berkeley).