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At several points in the last six years, I have had the eerie feeling that the gates of Hell were being re-opened to unleash another level of human torment. This is another such moment.
The multiple personalities disorder itself seems to emanate straight from Hell, whether you take that literally or metaphorically, as it typically stems from child torture. Most genuine sufferers were trapped into unspeakably horrific abuse situations before the age of 10. This is a result of trauma that needs true healing, not the continued abuse of pretending that some evil results of unspeakable trauma are actually cool and fun, and certainly not the mockery of people adopting some related behaviors for attention.
To celebritize and normalize something like this is to welcome horrors people do not understand and should not indulge on any level, including fantasy. The Redditors record freaky posts I’m also not linking, including people who claim to have DID insisting one personality is a serial killer or pedophile, and anything that personality does is not the other personalities’ fault.
This is what we’re told we should “accept” and let “out of the closet.” No. That kind of thing needs to stay in the closet with the door firmly barred shut to everything but human beings seeking to escape.