5333 private links
To prove the value of general aviation, GAMA officials asked the folks at FlightAware to compile all the ADS-B traffic related to general aviation in the first 10 days of February 2023.
What they found was that there was an average of 45,000 general aviation flights a day. Hinson pointed out that this did not include helicopter flights, so the number is no doubt much larger than this.
Those 45,000 flights go to, on average, 5,000 airports a day.
The airlines only service 400 airports in the United States, so for folks in rural communities, GA is their connection to the world, GAMA officials said. //
Between 2019 and 2022, 324 airports lost airline service, with an average loss of 31% of airline flights, according to Pete Bunce, GAMA president and CEO. //
GA and business aviation also are the technology and safety incubator for all aviation, he said. //
Rich says
March 2, 2023 at 10:53 am
What irks me is to keep hearing the phrase “General aviation and BUSINESS aviation….”
As if those are two different things.
There are only three types of airplanes in the air.
1 Military
2 Airlines
3 GA.
If you aren’t in group 1 or 2 then you are part of GA.
“Business flights”, ag planes, cops, firefighters etc are ALL part of GA and when you artificially separate or subdivide GA you only weaken the collective power that GA has to protect itself.