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Asvarduil Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
shawnce said:
4 laws is all you need I thought
To paraphrase something someone said in the Wacky Pony Lounge:
We understand neither natural intelligence nor natural stupidity. Our efforts to artificially recreate either of those things can only go so well. //
Bongle Ars Praefectus
gmerrick said:
Can we come up with another word for this. Clearly these constructs are not Artificial Intelligence in any sense of the word. Smart Frames or some other phrase would be better. It's like Tesla continuing to call their self driving software autopilot.
The New Yorker had a good essay yesterday arguing that you can consider them extremely lossy, extremely advanced all-text compressions of their training set. They do their best to reproduce things that look like their training set, sometimes successfully!
I hadn't really thought much about lossy text compression before because it kinda feels useless to not be sure you got the words back that you put in. But these are very fancy lossy text compressors and feel a decent bit more useful.