5333 private links
Latest Downloads
- 32bit - rachel-pi_09_06_2021 20
- https://ftp.worldpossible.org/rachel-pi/beta/rachel-pi_09_06_2021.zip
- 32bit Raspberry Pi 3B+ image - rachel-pi_10_18_2021-3B.zip
- https://ftp.worldpossible.org/rachel-pi/beta/rachel-pi_10_18_2021-3B.zip
Please use the 3B+ image for 3B devices.
This image includes support for Kiwix 3.1.2 modules. These modules are named with “_2021”. Older Wikipedia modules are not compatible with this image. Please make sure to download and install the latest Kiwix modules that include “_2021” in their name.
en-moodle, en-file_share, en-kolibri-index, en-ka-lite, and older Kiwix modules ( Wikipedia ) are not supported with this image when downloaded. en-file_share and en-kolibri-index are included with the images.
You can expect to get roughly 8 users connected by default without a separate wifi router or USB wifi interface.