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“Just coming off of May 31st, marking the 100 years of the Tulsa riots, it is sad that we are even contemplating something like critical race theory, where children will be separated by their skin color and deemed permanently oppressors or oppressed in 2021,” she said.
King then immediately checked one of the aspects of the left’s arguments that they haven’t yet considered.
“That is not teaching the truth unless you believe that whites are better than blacks,” she added. //
“I don’t know about you, but telling my child or any child that they are in a permanent oppressed status in America because they are black is racist, and saying that white people are automatically above me, my children or any child is racist as well,” she said.
King said that we can’t allow this kind of thinking in our country after we’ve spent so long fighting and dying for the exact opposite of what CRT is trying to accomplish.
“Our ancestors, white, black, and others hung, bled, and died right alongside each other to push America towards that more perfect union,” said King. “If this continues, we will look back and be responsible for the dismantling of the greatest country in the world by reverting to teaching hate and that race is a determining factor on where your destiny lies.”