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We've known for more than a year that Google Play Music's days were numbered. Its death had even been officially announced, but it's now really real. Google has just sunset the GPM app on Android and web, providing the knock-out blow to what has been a rather short match.
Open the Android app now and you'll likely be greeted by a white splash screen with a Play Music logo that morphs into a YouTube Music one. Bold text tells you GPM is no longer available and explains that you can transfer your whole library to YTM. Two buttons are provided below that, one to kickstart the transfer process and another to manage your data. The latter takes you to the GPM site where you can download and delete your full library, and delete your recommendation history. Once you're done, the app's widget should disappear by itself from your homescreen if you had added it there. //
RIP, Google Play Music (2011-2020)