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Obtain my information packet by emailing golderwilson@gmail.com
You have contacted me to request information on Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) and related connective tissue laxity disorders. This packet contains 1) history, 2) natural-family history, and 3) physical examination forms for your self-assessment followed by 4) summary of finding frequencies in my EDS patients, 5) general information on how clinical and DNA findings in EDS fit together, and 6) a sample summary letter that for a fee of $100 I could write for you to take to your doctors as discussed below. Those who request a summary letter, have severe impact from EDS as indicated on the lower part of the history form, and have interest in social security disability, I can refer to a specialist although there is no guarantee you would qualify.
The history and physical forms list common findings that were noted in 946 EDS outpatient evaluations and converted into standard forms I used on a subsequent 710 outpatients (596 females and 114 males). You can see the full results in the article: Clinical analysis supports articulo-autonomic dysplasia (reference 1 in the attached information) that includes the summary of finding frequencies attached here. In essence I found that people with more than 10 history and 8 physical findings had EDS by traditional criteria and that women have higher scores than men (more than accounted for by 3 extra points for questions regarding gynecologic issues). Most findings of patients with hypermobile hEDS (more flexibility complications like subluxations, dislocations, and deformations like scoliosis and flat feet) versus those with classical EDS (more atypical cigarette-paper or keloid scars, less hypermobility complications) are similar, the reason I emphasize recognition of a general EDS clinical pattern before considering specific types.