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Mike Ford
5 hours ago
Not one of these unelected jurists have cited even ONE, Article, Section or Clause of either the Constitution of the Voting Rights act that requires a state's congressional delegation to mirror its racial demographics. NOT ONE.
They are using the same turgid "logic" that Roberts did to rewrite O-Care to make it "legal."
The State of Alabama needs to ignore this decision and place any Federal officer attempting to enforce it, under arrest.
Majority-Minority districts are inherently racist, and unconstitutional. //
Rollin L
4 hours ago
There is no Constitutional authority for the federal government to impose its preferences on decisions regarding redistricting by the state legislatures. That is the states' lawful prerogative. The Voting Rights Act is statute, which is inferior to Constitutional law. Even if one argues it was once necessary, it certainly has outlived its usefulness and is without Constitutional foundation. It usurps state power and gives it to the federal government.
It is racist to draw boundaries to favor ANY race over another. This order by a federal judge displays far more prejudice than the map drawn by the state legislature. It literally orders districts along racial lines, and the goal has little to do with actual race. The goal is clearly to create another Democrat district. The inescapable conclusion is that the court believes black citizens are all supposed to think and vote alike, and that this must be considered a permanent condition. I don't know what can be more racist than that. The court owns that position now. //
etba_ss Rollin L
4 hours ago
Exactly. They are arguing that is you don't put black people people in district with a majority black people, they aren't represented. How stupid.
So by extention then, the other black people not in those districts are also disenfranchised. So are the white people in the black districts. So, it's okay to disinfranchise people as long as you make a group or two that are not? Moronic.