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V2 has less visible plumbing and wiring, both sea-level versions have the same nozzle exit diameter and similar dimensions, however, V1 has a mass of 2,000 kilograms (kg) and V2 1,600 kg. Raptor V1 generated around 185 tons of thrust and the current V2 generates around 230 tons of thrust. //
This week, the third version of the Raptor engine (V3) reached a new thrust record. “Raptor V3 just achieved 350 bar chamber pressure (269 tons of thrust). Congrats to SpaceX propulsion team!” announced SpaceX founder Elon Musk via Twitter. “Starship Super Heavy Booster has 33 Raptors, so total thrust of 8877 tons or 19.5 million pounds,” he said on May 13. //
As of November 2022, SpaceX completed manufacturing over 200 Raptor engines (and counting) at an average rate of one engine per day. The company manufactures and tests the engines at the McGregor factory. SpaceX officials recently said that they has more engines than they could fly at the moment. SpaceX aims for the cost-per-tonne of thrust of each Raptor to be under $1,000 USD, so a bit over $250,000 at the 260 tons of thrust that each Raptor V3 is capable of generating. Musk said recently that he expects to spend approximately $2 Billion on Starship's development this year