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That's probably the right decision. //
These protestors hurt their own cause with these attempted shows of control. How? Because while there’s widespread agreement that there are bad cops and that the laws must be applied equally, regardless of union contracts and the like, this kind of behavior paints all police with a broad brush. Has this specific officer brutalized black people? Has he broken rules and regulations? Has he supported those that have? Why does he need to subjugate himself in this case? By generalizing all police like this, it causes divisions and harms any possible consensus towards change.
Demanding that people kneel before you before you’ll even have a “conversation,” as the protestor in this video does, is not operating in bad faith. It’s just inflaming tensions. //
If you really want change, stand up like a man, look them in the eye, and talk to them like a human being. Because despite those who’ve done wrong, you can’t lump everyone into the same boat any more than you can lump everyone of one race into the same boat as those that commit crimes. It’s not fair or right.